American Quarter Horse Gelding 5 years 15 hh Black in Las Vegas

3 on wish list

AQHA quarter horse-Seeking New Home-Affectionate & Ready for Your

~ £6.371 Negotiable
Private vendor
Las Vegas 89130
United States
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Further information

The American Quarter Horse, also known as the Quarter Horse, originally comes from the U.S. and is the most common horse breed in the world. Worldwide, there are approximately 4.6 million registered Quarter Horses. The breed originated in the 17th Century, as rich plantation owners from Virginia and ... More about the horse breed American Quarter Horse
5 years
15 hh

is broken-in

is lunged

is worked on the ground

Stands for the farrier


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Eingetragenes Quarter Horse (El Desrerado) mit dem Spitznamen Strider. Er ist ein 4-jähriger Wallach, der jetzt fast 5 Jahre alt ist. Er ist 15,4 HH. Er ist sportlich und temperamentvoll und hat mehr "Go" als "Whoa", was ihn zu einem großartigen Barrel-Prospect macht. Er steht für den Hufschmied und zum Baden und wurde schon geritten. Die Bodenarbeit kann an der Longe oder im Round Pen gemacht werden, und er lernt schnell. Er trabt gut, muss aber noch an seinem Loping feilen. Als grünes Pferd braucht er einen erfahrenen Reiter oder Trainer. Er könnte in jeder Disziplin unterrichtet werden, da er bereits am Anfang steht und man ihm nur die Zeit und die Hingabe geben muss, die er für sein Training braucht.  Er hat großes Potenzial; er könnte ein solides, wettbewerbsfähiges Barrel Horse werden. Er befindet sich in Las Vegas, Nevada. Bitte senden Sie mir eine Nachricht.
Registered quarter horse (El Desrerado) nicknamed Strider. He is a 4-year-old gelding, almost 5 now. He is 15.4 HH. Started, athletic, and spiritied, he has more go than whoa, making him a great barrel prospect. He stands for the farrier and bathing and has been ridden. Groundwork can be done on a lunge line or in a round pen, and he learns quickly. He trots well but needs to smooth out his loping. As a green horse, he needs an experienced rider or trainer. He could be taught in any discipline as he is started and just needs to be given the time and devotion to training he needs.  He has great potential; he could become a solid competitive barrel horse. Located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Please message me.
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Cavallo di razza registrato (El Desrerado) soprannominato Strider. È un castrone di 4 anni, quasi 5 ora. Ha 15,4 HH. Avviato, atletico e di spirito, ha più forza che forza, il che lo rende una grande prospettiva per il barrel. Sta in piedi per il maniscalco e il bagno ed è stato cavalcato. Il lavoro a terra può essere fatto su una linea di affondo o in un recinto rotondo, e impara rapidamente. Trotta bene, ma deve migliorare il suo loping. Essendo un cavallo inesperto, ha bisogno di un cavaliere o di un addestratore esperto. Potrebbe essere addestrato in qualsiasi disciplina, visto che è già avviato e ha solo bisogno di ricevere il tempo e la dedizione all'addestramento di cui ha bisogno.  Ha un grande potenziale; potrebbe diventare un solido barrel horse da competizione. Si trova a Las Vegas, Nevada. Per favore, mandatemi un messaggio.



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Private vendor
Las Vegas 89130
United States

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Private vendor
Las Vegas 89130
United States

