American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
American Quarter Horse Gelding 6 years Palomino in Weatherford, TX
+14 Pictures

DOC HOLLYWOOD JS 6 Yr old 14.3hh Palomino AQHA Gelding

Ad type: auction horse
Ad ID: 4089338
Online since: 15.06.2024
Ad views: 1545
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Needmore, PA 17238 United States
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Further information

The American Quarter Horse, also known as the Quarter Horse, originally comes from the U.S. and is the most common horse breed in the world. Worldwide, there are approximately 4.6 million registered Quarter Horses. The breed originated in the 17th Century, as rich plantation owners from Virginia and ... More about the horse breed American Quarter Horse
6 years
is a companion
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder


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♠️ The RIDER's Choice ♠️ Jetzt bis MONTAG | 17. JUNI - EXKLUSIV auf der HorseBid-Website verfügbar!

Für weitere Details und zur Anmeldung besuchen Sie: www.Horsebid.com

KONTAKT ZUM EINLIEFERER: 222 Triple Deuce Equine LLC 360-523-8090 360-523-8090
STANDORT: Weatherford, TX
Rasse: Quarter Horse
FARBE: Palomino

"Doc Hollywood JS" - 2018 Modell AQHA Palomino Wallach.
Dies ist ein junger Athlet hat einen umwerfenden Start und eine sehr gute Zukunft! "Trigger" ist ein super Allround-Wallach, der in der Arena sehr gut ausgebildet ist. Er zeichnet sich durch seine Vielseitigkeit in der Ranch aus und hat einen ausgefallenen Griff. Trigger kann sich drehen wie ein fertiger Reiner und hat einen sehr schönen Stop. Er reitet aus dem Sitz und hat eine großartige Körperkontrolle. Ich würde sagen, er ist außergewöhnlich brav und hat ein sanftes, leichtes Gefühl beim Reiten.
Trigger hat einen soliden Start in der Gangart und es würde nicht lange dauern, ihn nach Ihren Wünschen auszubilden. Sie können ihn zu Futurities oder lokalen Jackpots mitnehmen. Trigger eignet sich für alles, von Ranch-Vielseitigkeitsklassen in der Stadt bis hin zu ehrlicher Arbeit auf der Ranch. Er hat eine 100%ige "in your pocket"-Einstellung, ist auf der Weide leicht einzufangen und versteht sich gut mit anderen Pferden im Stall. Erfahrene Reitschüler haben ihn auf der Weide, in der Stadt und auf dem Reitplatz geritten. Er ist ein Heiliger! Er liebt Wasser und folgt gerne allen kleinen Wünschen der Kinder. Trigger hat eine große Persönlichkeit und liebt die Aufmerksamkeit.
Außerdem sieht Trigger wirklich so aus, als käme er direkt aus einem Film! Wenn es Roy Rogers noch gäbe, wäre "Trigger" sein bestes Reittier, genau wie in der guten alten Zeit! Er hat alles, was man sich an Chrom wünschen kann, mit vier perfekt passenden Strümpfen und einer Blesse im Gesicht. Er ist 14,3 Hände groß, 100 % gesund und bereit, das zu werden, was Sie aus ihm machen wollen!
Trigger kommt mit einem einwandfreien Gesundheitszeugnis und einem negativen Coggins-Test. Tierärztliche Untersuchungen und Vorführungen sind mehr als willkommen! Wir werden Trigger mit einer Pferdeversicherung anbieten, wie es sich für eine gute Investition gehört.
Versand wird landesweit angeboten
Weatherford TX
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Anna Barker & Brayden Wiesen 360-523-8090
♠️ The RIDER's Choice ♠️ Happening now thru MONDAY | JUNE 17th - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: 222 Triple Deuce Equine LLC 360-523-8090 360-523-8090
LOCATION: Weatherford, TX
BREED: Quarter Horse
COLOR: Palomino
HEIGHT: 14.3
AGE: 6
GENDER: Gelding

"Doc Hollywood JS" - 2018 model AQHA Palomino Gelding.
This is a young athlete has a knockout start and a very bright future! "Trigger" is a super all-around gelding that is highly trained in the arena. He excels in ranch versatility and has a fancy handle. Trigger can spin like a finished reiner and has a very nice stop. He rides off your seat, and has great body control. I would say he is exceptionally broke and has a smooth easy feel when it comes to riding him.
Trigger has a solid start in heeling and it would not take long to finish him out as you desire. You can take him to futurities or local jackpots. Trigger would excel in anything from ranch versatility classes in town to an honest day's work on the ranch. He has a 100% "in your pocket" style attitude, is easy to catch in the pasture, and gets along well with other horses in a pen. Experienced lesson children have ridden him through pastures, town, and in the arena. He is a saint! He loves water and is content to follow along with all their little wishes. Trigger has a huge personality, and truly loves attention.
In addition, Trigger really is one that looks like he is straight out of the movies! If Roy Rogers were still around, "Trigger" would be his best mount, just like the good old days! He has all the chrome you could ask for with four perfectly matching stockings and a blaze down his face. He stands 14.3 hands tall, is 100% sound, and is ready to become whatever you would like him to be!
Trigger comes with a clean bill of health and a negative coggins test. Vet checks and showings are more than welcome! We will be offering Trigger with equine insurance, as any good investment should have.
Shipping Offered Nationwide 
Weatherford TX
For more questions or information please text or call
Anna Barker & Brayden Wiesen 360-523-8090
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♠️ La scelta del cavaliere ♠️ Ora fino a LUNEDI' 17 GIUGNO - Disponibile ESCLUSIVAMENTE sul sito HorseBid!

Per maggiori dettagli e per registrarsi visitare: www.Horsebid.com

CONTATTO DEL MITTENTE: 222 Triple Deuce Equine LLC 360-523-8090 360-523-8090
POSIZIONE: Weatherford, TX
RAZZA: Quarter Horse
COLORE: Palomino
ETÀ: 6
GENERE: Castrato

"Doc Hollywood JS" - castrone palomino AQHA modello 2018.
Questo giovane atleta ha un inizio da urlo e un futuro molto luminoso! "Trigger" è un castrone super completo che è altamente addestrato nell'arena. Eccelle nella versatilità del ranch e ha un'impugnatura elegante. Trigger può girare come un reiner finito e ha un ottimo arresto. Si muove in sella e ha un ottimo controllo del corpo. Direi che è eccezionalmente rodato e ha una sensazione di facilità quando si tratta di cavalcarlo.
Trigger ha un solido avviamento al tallonaggio e non ci vorrebbe molto per rifinirlo come si desidera. Potete portarlo ai futures o ai jackpots locali. Trigger eccellerebbe in qualsiasi cosa, dalle classi di versatilità del ranch in città a un'onesta giornata di lavoro al ranch. Ha un atteggiamento al 100% "in tasca", è facile da catturare al pascolo e va d'accordo con gli altri cavalli in un recinto. Bambini esperti lo hanno cavalcato nei pascoli, in città e nell'arena. È un santo! Ama l'acqua e si accontenta di seguire tutti i loro piccoli desideri. Trigger ha una grande personalità e ama davvero le attenzioni.
Inoltre, Trigger sembra davvero uscito da un film! Se Roy Rogers fosse ancora in circolazione, "Trigger" sarebbe la sua migliore cavalcatura, proprio come ai bei tempi! Ha tutte le cromature che si possono desiderare, con quattro calze perfettamente intonate e una fiammata sul viso. È alto 14,3 mani, è sano al 100% ed è pronto a diventare qualsiasi cosa vogliate che sia!
Trigger viene fornito con un certificato di buona salute e un test di coggins negativo. Controlli veterinari e visite sono più che benvenuti! Offriremo a Trigger un'assicurazione equina, come ogni buon investimento dovrebbe avere.
Spedizione offerta in tutto il paese
Weatherford TX
Per ulteriori domande o informazioni si prega di inviare un messaggio o chiamare
Anna Barker e Brayden Wiesen 360-523-8090



Weatherford, TX 76085, Texas
United States


Needmore, PA 17238
United States
Homepage: horsebidllc

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