27 on wish list
Beautiful 2016, grey AQHA Mare
~ £26.095
Ad ID: 3887869
Ad type: Horse for sale
Online since: 29.12.2023
Ad views: 10997
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“Way Outta Your League” aka “Bailey” 2016, beautiful grey AQHA mare Who ever dreamed about a unicorn, “Bailey” is the chance to make this dream come true. “Bailey” has already been shown very successful in Hunter under Saddle. One of her biggest achievements, is the title of the “International DQHA Champion Junior Hunter under Saddle” at the Q21. She also shows talent to be a future All Around horse. “Bailey” is easy to ride, sweet in handling and absolutely no “mare” at all. She is great to be around. Sells in clients order
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"Way Outta Your League" aka "Bailey" 2016, beautiful gray AQHA mare Who ever dreamed about a unicorn, "Bailey" is the chance to make this dream come true. "Bailey" has already been shown very successful in Hunter under Saddle. One of her biggest achievements, is the title of the "International DQHA Champion Junior Hunter under Saddle" at the Q21. She also shows talent to be a future All Around horse. "Bailey" is easy to ride, sweet in handling and absolutely no "mare" at all. She is great to be around. Sells in clients order
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"Way Outta Your League" alias "Bailey" 2016, bellissima cavalla AQHA grigia Chi ha mai sognato un unicorno, "Bailey" è l'occasione per realizzare questo sogno. "Bailey" ha già ottenuto grandi successi nell'Hunter under Saddle. Uno dei suoi più grandi successi è il titolo di "Campionessa Internazionale DQHA Junior Hunter under Saddle" al Q21. Mostra anche il talento per essere un futuro cavallo All Around. "Bailey" è facile da cavalcare, dolce nella gestione e assolutamente non "cavalla". È fantastico stare con lei. Vendite in ordine di clienti
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"Way Outta Your League" aka "Bailey" 2016, piękna siwa klacz AQHA Kto kiedykolwiek marzył o jednorożcu, "Bailey" jest szansą na spełnienie tego marzenia. "Bailey" odniosła już wiele sukcesów w zawodach Hunter under Saddle. Jednym z jej największych osiągnięć jest tytuł "International DQHA Champion Junior Hunter under Saddle" na Q21. Wykazuje również talent do bycia przyszłym koniem All Around. "Bailey" jest łatwa w prowadzeniu, słodka w obsłudze i absolutnie nie jest "klaczą". Świetnie się z nią przebywa. Sprzedaje w kolejności klientów

Homepage: jagfeldquarterhorses
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