American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
American Quarter Horse Stallion Foal (03/2024) 14,2 hh Brown in Waldshut-Tiengen
+5 Pictures

Quarter Horse Hengstfohlen, bay splash, 03/2024

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4095391
Online since: 13.06.2024
Ad views: 2140
Add to wish list: 18
~ £7.394
Pferdezentrum Hochrhein
79790 Küssaberg Germany
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Further information

The American Quarter Horse, also known as the Quarter Horse, originally comes from the U.S. and is the most common horse breed in the world. Worldwide, there are approximately 4.6 million registered Quarter Horses. The breed originated in the 17th Century, as rich plantation owners from Virginia and ... More about the horse breed American Quarter Horse
Foal (03/2024)
14,2 hh
Deutsche Quarter Horse Association


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„Stitch“ ist ein sehr schicker und cooler Kerl mit bester Reining Abstammung, tollem Charakter und super toller Optik. Gesund, kräftig gebaut, unkompliziert…. So wie man sich einen zukünftigen Athleten wünscht.

Der ideale Kumpel für Freizeit und Sport.

6 Panel getestet - trägt GBED, alles andere ist N/N.

Vater: The Mobs Capone v. HF Mobster x Easy Hollywood Buck
Mutter: Colonels Lil Trash v. Trashadeous x Colonel Freckles
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"Stitch" is a very smart and cool guy with the best reining pedigree, great character and super great looks. Healthy, strongly built, uncomplicated.... Just the way you want a future athlete to be.

The ideal buddy for leisure and sport.

6 panel tested - carries GBED, everything else is N/N.

Sire: The Mobs Capone by HF Mobster x Easy Hollywood Buck
Dam: Colonels Lil Trash by Trashadeous x Colonel Freckles
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"Stitch" è un ragazzo molto intelligente e forte, con il miglior pedigree da reining, un grande carattere e un aspetto super fantastico. Sano, robusto, senza complicazioni.... Proprio come si vuole che sia un futuro atleta.

Il compagno ideale per il tempo libero e lo sport.

6 pannelli di controllo - porta il GBED, tutto il resto è N/N.

Sire: The Mobs Capone da HF Mobster x Easy Hollywood Buck
Femmina: Colonels Lil Trash da Trashadeous x Colonel Freckles
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"Stitch" to bardzo inteligentny i fajny facet z najlepszym reiningowym rodowodem, świetnym charakterem i super wyglądem. Zdrowy, silnie zbudowany, nieskomplikowany.... Dokładnie taki, jaki powinien być przyszły sportowiec.

Idealny towarzysz do rekreacji i sportu.

Przetestowany na 6 panelach - posiada GBED, wszystko inne to N/N.

Ojciec: The Mobs Capone po HF Mobster x Easy Hollywood Buck
Matka: Colonels Lil Trash po Trashadeous x Colonel Freckles
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"Stitch" är en mycket smart och cool kille med den bästa reiningstamtavlan, fantastisk karaktär och superbra utseende. Frisk, starkt byggd, okomplicerad.... Precis så som du vill att en framtida atlet ska vara.

Den perfekta partnern för fritid och sport.

6-panelstestad - bär på GBED, allt annat är N/N.

Fader: The Mobs Capone e. HF Mobster x Easy Hollywood Buck
Mor: Colonels Lil Trash e. Trashadeous x Colonel Freckles




Pferdezentrum Hochrhein
79790 Küssaberg
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