
Se vende caballo

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4095776
Online since: 14/06/2024
Ad views: 664
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~ £1,305
Private vendor
15145 A Coruña
+34 (0)61... View All
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Further information

Anglo-Arabian horses are direct products of crossbreeding English Thoroughbreds with Arabian horses. It can also be a cross between either an Anglo-Arab and a Thoroughbred or, alternatively, an Anglo-Arab and an Arabian. Another permitted cross is between two Anglo-Arabians. No matter the cross, a h ... More about the horse breed Anglo-Arab
5 years
15.1 hh


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This text has been translated automatically.
5 Jahre alt, eingeweiht im Springen, kastriert, guter Charakter.
Er hat eine Wolke in einem Auge, es beeinträchtigt ihn nicht, er lebt ein ganz normales Leben.
This text has been translated automatically.
5 years old, initiated in jumping, neutered, good character.
He has a cloud in one eye, it does not affect him, he lives a totally normal life.
5 años, iniciado en salto, castrado, buen carácter.
Tiene una nube en un ojo, no le afecta, hace vida totalmente normal
This text has been translated automatically.
5 ans, initié au saut, castré, bon caractère.
Il a un trouble dans un œil, cela ne l'affecte pas, il vit une vie tout à fait normale.
This text has been translated automatically.
5 jaar oud, ingewijd in springen, gecastreerd, goed karakter.
Hij heeft een wolkje in één oog, maar dat deert hem niet, hij leidt een heel normaal leven.
This text has been translated automatically.
5 lat, wtajemniczony w skoki, wykastrowany, dobry charakter.
Ma chmurę w jednym oku, nie wpływa to na niego, prowadzi całkowicie normalne życie.
This text has been translated automatically.
5 år gammal, initierad i hoppning, kastrerad, bra karaktär.
Han har ett moln i ena ögat, det påverkar honom inte, han lever ett helt normalt liv.


Private vendor
15145 A Coruña

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Private vendor
15145 A Coruña