Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
Anglo-Arab Gelding 5 years in Cuellar
+3 Pictures

Anglo Luso Árabe

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4172986
Online since: 13.08.2024
Ad views: 879
Add to wish list: 1
~ £6.959
Private vendor
40200 Cuellar
+34 (0)62... View All
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Further information

Anglo-Arabian horses are direct products of crossbreeding English Thoroughbreds with Arabian horses. It can also be a cross between either an Anglo-Arab and a Thoroughbred or, alternatively, an Anglo-Arab and an Arabian. Another permitted cross is between two Anglo-Arabians. No matter the cross, a h ... More about the horse breed Anglo-Arab
5 years
Doma Vaquera


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Stierfohlen der Marke Jonathan Peña, 5 Jahre alt mit Papieren. Größe 1,63.  Grundlegende Dressur (Schritt, Trab und Galopp). Sehr beliebt und an allen Arten von Veranstaltungen beteiligt (Rocio, Messen und Stierrennen). Nicht für Anfänger geeignet.
Mehr Informationen auf privatem Wege. Ich beantworte Telefon und WhatsApp
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Bull colt of the Jonathan Peña brand, 5 years old with papers. Size 1.63.  Basic dressage (walk, trot and canter). Very championed and involved in all kinds of events (Rocio, fairs and running of the bulls). Not for beginners.
More information by private. I answer phone and WhatsApp
Potro tordo del hierro de Jonathan Peña de 5 años de edad con papeles. Talla 1,63.  Doma base (paso , trote y galope). Muy campeado y metido en toda clase de eventos (Rocio, ferias y encierros). No es para principiantes.
Más información por privado. Atiendo teléfono y WhatsApp
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Puledro di razza Jonathan Peña, 5 anni, con documenti. Taglia 1,63.  Dressage di base (passeggiata, trotto e canter). Molto dotato e coinvolto in tutti i tipi di eventi (Rocio, fiere e corsa dei tori). Non per principianti.
Maggiori informazioni in privato. Rispondo al telefono e a WhatsApp


Private vendor
40200 Cuellar

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Private vendor
40200 Cuellar
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