Appaloosa Gelding 6 years 17 hh Leopard-Piebald in Herne
Appaloosa Gelding 6 years 17 hh Leopard-Piebald in Herne
Appaloosa Gelding 6 years 17 hh Leopard-Piebald in Herne
Appaloosa Gelding 6 years 17 hh Leopard-Piebald in Herne
Appaloosa Gelding 6 years 17 hh Leopard-Piebald in Herne
Appaloosa Gelding 6 years 17 hh Leopard-Piebald in Herne
Appaloosa Gelding 6 years 17 hh Leopard-Piebald in Herne
Appaloosa Gelding 6 years 17 hh Leopard-Piebald in Herne
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Cheval de sport

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4117066
Online since: 01.07.2024
Ad views: 3946
Add to wish list: 94
~ £9.568
Private vendor
1541 Herne
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Further information

The Appaloosa is conspicuous by its coat pattern. It has spots, which are unmistakable and unique to the breed. Already 20,000 year old cave paintings show horses with such coloring. Many of the horses the conquistadores brought to the United States were spotted. In the 18th century, the hors ... More about the horse breed Appaloosa
6 years
17 hh


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Bigben Wallach, 6 J.
Wunderschönes, sehr freundliches und respektvolles Pferd
Geht alleine oder in Begleitung ausreiten
Und bereits auf 80cm mit Amateuren ausgegangen
Kann sowohl in der Box als auch auf der Weide leben
Hufschmied, Impfungen, Wurmkuren, Zahnarztbesuch
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Bigben 6-year-old gelding
Magnificent horse, very gentle and respectful
Rides alone or accompanied
And already out on 80cm with amateurs
Can live in a stall as well as in a meadow
Up to date with farrier, vaccination, deworming, dentist
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Bigben castrado 6 años
Magnífico caballo, muy dócil y respetuoso
Cabalga solo o acompañado
Y ya sale en 80cm con aficionados
Puede vivir tanto en box como en prado
Al día con herrador, vacunación, desparasitación, dentista
Bigben hongre de 6ans 
Magnifique cheval très gentil et respectueux
Part en balade seule ou accompagné 
Et déjà sorti sur 80cm avec amateurs 
Peux vivre au box comme en prairie 
A jours de maréchal, vaccin, vermifuge, dentiste
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Castrone Bigben 6 anni
Cavallo magnifico, molto dolce e rispettoso
Cavalca da solo o accompagnato
E già uscito su 80cm con i dilettanti
Può vivere sia in un box che in un prato
Aggiornato con maniscalco, vaccinazione, sverminazione, dentista
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Bigben ruin 6 jaar oud
Prachtig paard, zeer zachtaardig en respectvol
Rijdt alleen of onder begeleiding
En al buiten op 80cm met amateurs
Kan zowel in de bak als in de wei leven
Up to date met hoefsmid, vaccinatie, ontwormen, tandarts
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Bigben wałach 6 lat
Wspaniały koń, bardzo łagodny i pełen szacunku
Jeździ sam lub w towarzystwie
I już na 80cm z amatorami
Może mieszkać zarówno w boksie, jak i na łące
Na bieżąco z kowalem, szczepieniami, odrobaczaniem, dentystą
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Bigben valack 6 år gammal
Magnifik häst, mycket snäll och respektfull
Rider ensam eller i sällskap
Och redan ute på 80cm med amatörer
Kan bo i lådan såväl som på ängen
Uppdaterad med hovslagare, vaccination, avmaskning, tandläkare


1540 Herne, Vlaanderen


Private vendor
1541 Herne

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1541 Herne
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