Baroque Pinto Stallion Foal (04/2024) Tobiano-all-colors in Lelystad
Baroque Pinto Stallion Foal (04/2024) Tobiano-all-colors in Lelystad
Baroque Pinto Stallion Foal (04/2024) Tobiano-all-colors in Lelystad
Baroque Pinto Stallion Foal (04/2024) Tobiano-all-colors in Lelystad

Barock Pinto Hengstveulen

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4172286
Online since: 12.08.2024
Ad views: 1127
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~ £4.784
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8219PL Lelystad
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Further information

The horse breed called Baroque Pinto has its origin in the Netherlands. Here it was bred on the basis of the stallion 'Bonte Nico' since the fifties. It is a pinto within the Baroque Friesian type. Representatives of this breed often have a Roman nose (like a mule head) and a high, straight n ... More about the horse breed Baroque Pinto
Foal (04/2024)
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Wieder verfügbar:

Aufzuchttaugliches Barock-Pinto-Hengstfohlen, geboren im April 2024.

Tymen 503 x Tsjerk 328, Barock Pinto Ster 1. Prämienstamm 028 KFPS: Ster x Ster Pref AAA (Mutter von Menne 496) x Ster Pref x Ster Pref Prest (Mutter von Ielke 382).

Zuperhero XX37, Z-Dressur und L-Vielseitigkeit, Mehr Infos auf der Facebook-Seite von Zuperhero.

Mehr Infos nur per Telefon 06-53.314.411. Bitte außerhalb der Bürozeiten. Wenn Sie keine Antwort erhalten, hinterlassen Sie bitte eine Nachricht.
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Available again:

Rearing-worthy Barock Pinto stallion foal, born April 2024.

Tymen 503 x Tsjerk 328, Barock Pinto Ster 1st premium strain 028 KFPS: Ster x Ster Pref AAA (dam of Menne 496) x Ster Pref x Ster Pref Prest (dam of Ielke 382).

Zuperhero XX37, Z dressage and L eventing, For more info see Zuperhero's Facebook page.

More info only by phone 06-53.314.411. Please outside office hours. If no answer please leave a message.
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Disponible de nuevo:

Potro semental Barock Pinto, nacido en abril de 2024.

Tymen 503 x Tsjerk 328, Barock Pinto Ster 1ª línea premium 028 KFPS: Ster x Ster Pref AAA (madre de Menne 496) x Ster Pref x Ster Pref Prest (madre de Ielke 382).

Zuperhero XX37, Z doma y L concurso completo, Para más información ver la página de Facebook de Zuperhero.

Más información sólo por teléfono 06-53.314.411. Por favor, fuera de horas de oficina. Si no hay respuesta por favor deje un mensaje.
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Disponible à nouveau :

Poulain Barock Pinto digne d'être élevé, né en avril 2024.

Mère :
Tymen 503 x Tsjerk 328, Barock Pinto Ster 1ère lignée premium 028 KFPS : Ster x Ster Pref AAA (mère de Menne 496) x Ster Pref x Ster Pref Prest (mère de Ielke 382).

Père :
Zuperhero XX37, Z dressage et L concours complet, Pour plus d'info voir la page Facebook de Zuperhero.

Plus d'infos uniquement par téléphone au 06-53.314.411. En dehors des heures de bureau. Si vous ne répondez pas, laissez un message.
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Di nuovo disponibile:

Puledro stallone Barock Pinto, degno di essere allevato, nato nell'aprile 2024.

Tymen 503 x Tsjerk 328, Barock Pinto Ster 1a linea di premio 028 KFPS: Ster x Ster Pref AAA (da cui Menne 496) x Ster Pref x Ster Pref Prest (da cui Ielke 382).

Zuperhero XX37, Z dressage e L eventing, Per maggiori informazioni consultare la pagina Facebook di Zuperhero.

Ulteriori informazioni solo per telefono 06-53.314.411. Per favore, fuori dall'orario di ufficio. In caso di mancata risposta si prega di lasciare un messaggio.
Opnieuw beschikbaar:

Opfokwaardig Barock Pinto hengst veulen, geboren april 2024.

Tymen 503 x Tsjerk 328, Barock Pinto Ster 1e premie stam 028 KFPS: Ster x Ster Pref AAA (moeder van Menne 496) x Ster Pref x Ster Pref Prest (moeder van Ielke 382).

Zuperhero XX37, Z dressuur en L eventing, Zie voor meer info Zuperhero's Facebook pagina.

Meer info uitsluitend telefonisch 06-53.314.411. Graag buiten kantooruren. Bij geen gehoor graag inspreken.


8219 Lelystad, Flevoland


Private vendor
8219PL Lelystad

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8219PL Lelystad
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