Belgian Warmblood Gelding 5 years 16,2 hh Chestnut-Red in Koersel

3 on wish list

Mooie ruin, superbraaf

~ £13.048
Private vendor
3582 Beringen


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Further information

The Belgian Warmblood is a pretty young horse breed that was refined with Thoroughbreds, Hanoverians, stallions from France and Holsteiners still very late. This introgression conferred stamina, durability and dilligence to the Belgian Warmblood. Today, the Belgian Warmblood is presented successfull ... More about the horse breed Belgian Warmblood
5 years
16,2 hh
Training level: M (youngster) ~ Elementary (youngster)
Success: M (youngster) ~ Elementary (youngster)
Belgian Warmblood

is easy to load

Competition experience


Stands for the farrier

Equine Passport available


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This text has been translated automatically.
Wallach, wird im März 5 Jahre alt
+- 170cm
Saubere Röntgenbilder

Sehr brav, ehrlich, cool im Kopf, lieb
super gut mit anderen Pferden, mit dem Hufschmied, beim Transport, Rasieren,...

sein Training wurde sehr langsam und leicht gemacht
Er sprang 90 cm auf den Turnieren
zu Hause 110cm
wird ein besseres Amateurpferd für höhere Ansprüche sein

Grund für den Verkauf:
Besitzer darf aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht mehr fahren
This text has been translated automatically.
Castrado, cumple 5 años en marzo
+- 170cm
Rayos X limpios

Muy bueno, honesto, fresco de cabeza, dulce
super bueno con otros caballos, con herrador, durante transporte, afeitado,...

su entrenamiento se hizo muy despacio y facil
Saltó 90 cm en las exposiciones
@home 110cm
será un mejor caballo de aficionado para más alto

Motivo de la venta:
propietario ya no puede conducir debido a la física
This text has been translated automatically.
Castrato, compie 5 anni in marzo
+- 170 cm
Raggi X puliti

Molto buono, onesto, fresco di testa, dolce
molto buono con gli altri cavalli, con il maniscalco, durante il trasporto, la rasatura,...

il suo addestramento è stato fatto molto lentamente e facilmente
Ha saltato 90 cm negli spettacoli
a casa 110 cm
sarà un cavallo amatoriale migliore per un livello più alto

Motivo della vendita:
il proprietario non può più guidare a causa di problemi fisici.
Gelding, turns 5 in march
+- 170cm
Clean X rays

Very good, honest, cool in the head, sweet
super good with other horses, with farrier, during transport, shaving,...

his training was done very slowly and easy
Jumped 90 cm on the shows
@home 110cm 
will be a better amateur horse for higher 

Reason for sale:
owner is no longer allowed to drive due to physical



Private vendor
3582 Beringen

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Private vendor
3582 Beringen

