Belgian Warmblood Gelding 6 years 17 hh Brown in Samarate
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Vendo cavallo Belga

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4164023
Online since: 05.08.2024
Ad views: 1623
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~ £8.698
Private vendor
21017 Samarate
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Further information

The Belgian Warmblood is a pretty young horse breed that was refined with Thoroughbreds, Hanoverians, stallions from France and Holsteiners still very late. This introgression conferred stamina, durability and dilligence to the Belgian Warmblood. Today, the Belgian Warmblood is presented successfull ... More about the horse breed Belgian Warmblood
6 years
17 hh
Training level: 1.15m ~ Elementary (3'9'')
Success: 1.15m (youngster) ~ Elementary (youngster)


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Ich verkaufe belgisches Pferd von 2018 saurian h173 mittlere Struktur leicht zu handhaben auch für den Transport, nicht heiß, reagiert gut auf Befehle, nie getreten, Springen bis zu 120 geeignet für Patente und Start bis 1 Grad. Das Pferd ist sichtbar für die Prüfung in den Ställen in Samarate (Va)
This text has been translated automatically.
I sell Belgian Horse of 2018 saurian h173 medium structure easy to handle even for transport, not hot, responds well to commands, never kicked,jump up 120 suitable for patents and start to 1 grade. The horse is'visible for trial at the stables in Samarate (Va)
This text has been translated automatically.
Vendo caballo belga de 2018 saurio h173 estructura media fácil de manejar incluso para el transporte, no caliente, responde bien a los comandos, nunca pateó, saltando hasta 120 adecuado para patentes y empezar a 1 grado. El caballo es visible para la prueba en los establos en Samarate (Va)
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Je vends cheval belge de 2018 saurian h173 structure moyenne facile à manipuler même pour le transport, pas chaud, répond bien aux commandes, jamais donné de coup de pied, saut jusqu'à 120 adapté aux brevets et début à 1 degré. Le cheval est visible pour les tests aux écuries de Samarate (Va).
Vendo Cavallo Belga del 2018 sauro h173 media struttura di facile gestione anche per trasporto, non caldo, risponde bene ai comandi, mai scalciato,salto fino 120 adatto a brevetti e avvio al 1 grado. Il cavallo e'visibile per prova al maneggio a Samarate (Va)
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Sprzedam konia rasy belgijskiej z 2018 roku saurian h173 średniej budowy łatwy w obsłudze nawet do transportu, nie gorący, dobrze reaguje na komendy, nigdy nie kopany, skok do 120 nadaje się na patenty i starty do 1 stopnia. Koń jest widoczny do testów w stajni w Samarate (Va)


Private vendor
21017 Samarate

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Private vendor
21017 Samarate
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