Czech Warmblood Gelding 8 years 16 hh Black in Pelmberg
Czech Warmblood Gelding 8 years 16 hh Black in Pelmberg
Czech Warmblood Gelding 8 years 16 hh Black in Pelmberg
Czech Warmblood Gelding 8 years 16 hh Black in Pelmberg
Czech Warmblood Gelding 8 years 16 hh Black in Pelmberg
Czech Warmblood Gelding 8 years 16 hh Black in Pelmberg
Czech Warmblood Gelding 8 years 16 hh Black in Pelmberg
Czech Warmblood Gelding 8 years 16 hh Black in Pelmberg



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Wunderschöner Rappe!

~ £6.785
Pferdeglück GmbH
4202 Hellmonsödt Austria
+43 (0)66... View All


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Further information

At the beginning of the 20th century the Czech Warmblood developed from the Czechoslovakian Warmblood which was improved through use of Spanish and Oriental blood. Already one century later the English blood was incrossed, as well. The modern Czech Warmblood is a robust horse of riding type. Its mov ... More about the horse breed Czech Warmblood
8 years
16 hh
Working Equitation

suitable for therapeutic riding

Reliable for trail riding

is allrounder

is easy to load

Competition experience

Stands for the farrier

No eczema


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Black Pearl ist ein lieber 8 jähriger In CZ gezogener Wallach. Das 164 cm große Pferd wurde sehr gut ausgebildet und auch mehrfach am Turnier vorgestellt. Dieser Rappe ist sowohl als Turnier- als auch als Freizeitpferd perfekt einsetzbar.  Immer konzentriert und um seinen Reiter bemüht zeigt Black Pearl, dass man sich in jeder Situation auf ihn verlassen kann. Daher wir jeder Reiter mit diesem Pferd seine Freude haben.
Black Pearl ist vorne beschlagen, geimpft und entwurmt!

Das Pferd kann gerne bei uns besichtigt und Probegeritten werden.

Weitere Infos und Videos gerne per WhatsApp oder telefonisch unter: 00436603632373

Standort: Pelmberg 15/ OÖ
Probereiten gerne nach Terminvereinbarung!

Der Transport des Pferdes kann gerne übernommen werden!
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Black Pearl is a lovely 8 year old gelding bred in CZ. The 164 cm tall horse has been very well trained and has also been shown several times at competitions. This black horse can be used perfectly as a competition horse as well as a leisure horse.  Always focused and eager to please his rider, Black Pearl shows that you can rely on him in any situation. Therefore, every rider will be delighted with this horse.
Black Pearl is shod in the front, vaccinated and wormed!

The horse can be viewed and test ridden at our premises.

Further information and videos are available via WhatsApp or by phone at: 00436603632373

Location: Pelmberg 15/ Upper Austria
Test riding by appointment!

The transportation of the horse can be taken over!
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Black Pearl è un bellissimo castrone di 8 anni allevato a CZ. Il cavallo, alto 164 cm, è stato addestrato molto bene e ha partecipato a diverse competizioni. Questo cavallo nero è perfetto sia per le competizioni che per il tempo libero.  Sempre concentrato e desideroso di soddisfare il suo cavaliere, Black Pearl dimostra che si può contare su di lui in qualsiasi situazione. Pertanto, ogni cavaliere sarà soddisfatto di questo cavallo.
Black Pearl è ferrato davanti, vaccinato e sverminato!

Il cavallo può essere visto e provato presso il nostro centro.

Ulteriori informazioni e video sono disponibili su WhatsApp o per telefono: 00436603632373.

Località: Pelmberg 15/ Alta Austria
Prova su appuntamento!

Il trasporto del cavallo può essere preso in carico!
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Black Pearl to uroczy 8-letni wałach wyhodowany w CZ. Koń o wzroście 164 cm został bardzo dobrze wyszkolony i był również kilkakrotnie pokazywany na zawodach. Ten czarny koń jest idealny zarówno do zawodów, jak i jazdy rekreacyjnej.  Zawsze skupiony i chętny do zadowolenia swojego jeźdźca, Black Pearl pokazuje, że można na nim polegać w każdej sytuacji. Dlatego każdy jeździec będzie zachwycony tym koniem.
Black Pearl jest podkuty z przodu, zaszczepiony i odrobaczony!

Konia można obejrzeć i przetestować w naszym ośrodku.

Więcej informacji i filmów można uzyskać za pośrednictwem WhatsApp lub telefonicznie pod adresem: 00436603632373

Lokalizacja: Pelmberg 15/ Górna Austria
Jazda próbna po wcześniejszym umówieniu!

Transport konia może zostać przejęty!
Pferdeglück GmbH
4202 Hellmonsödt

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Pferdeglück GmbH
4202 Hellmonsödt

