12 on wish list
~ £3.158
Ad ID: 3406943
Ad type: Horse for sale
Online since: 12.08.2024
Ad views: 14641
Wish list
is in foal
is a companion
suitable for therapeutic riding
suitable for beginners
is allrounder
is easy to load
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KATALANISCHE ESELSSTUTE Nutzen: Vergnügen, Kutsche, Therapie, Freizeit, Reitpferd, Zucht Name: CULIBILLAS Widerristhöhe 140 Geburtsdatum: 20.09.2020
CATALAN DONKEY MARE Utility: pleasure, carriage, therapy, leasure, ride horse, breeding Name: CULIBILLAS Height at withers 143 Date of birth: 20/09/2020
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YEGUA BURRA CATALANA Utilidad: placer, transporte, terapia, ocio, montar a caballo, cría Nombre: CULIBILLAS Altura a la cruz 140 Fecha de nacimiento: 20/09/2020
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JUMENT ÂNESSE CATALANE Utilité: plaisir, calèche, thérapie, loisirs, équitation, élevage Nom: CULIBILLAS Hauteur au garrot 140 Date de naissance: 20/09/2020
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CAVALLA D'ASINO CATALANA Utilità: piacere, carrozza, terapia, leasure, andare a cavallo, allevamento Nome: CULIBILLAS Altezza al garrese 140 Data di nascita: 20/09/2020
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CATALAANSE EZEL MERRIE Gebruik: plezier, koets, therapie, plezier, rijpaard, fokkerij Naam: CULIBILLAS Schofthoogte 143 Geboortedatum: 20/09/2020
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KATALANSKA ÅSNESTO Nytta: nöje, vagn, terapi, leasure, rida häst, avel Namn: CULIBILLAS Höjd hos människa 140 Födelsedatum: 20/09/2020

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