German Classic Pony Mix Gelding 2 years 11,2 hh in Obere Warnow Ortsteil Grebbin
German Classic Pony Mix Gelding 2 years 11,2 hh in Obere Warnow Ortsteil Grebbin
German Classic Pony Mix Gelding 2 years 11,2 hh in Obere Warnow Ortsteil Grebbin
German Classic Pony Mix Gelding 2 years 11,2 hh in Obere Warnow Ortsteil Grebbin
German Classic Pony Mix Gelding 2 years 11,2 hh in Obere Warnow Ortsteil Grebbin

Rohdiamant sucht neuen Wirkungskreis

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4128023
Online since: 09.07.2024
Ad views: 2785
Add to wish list: 35
~ £304 Negotiable
Private vendor
19374 Obere Warnow Ortsteil Grebbin
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

In the beginning of the 21st century a new breed, called “German Classic Pony”, developed. To get this far, British Shetland ponies were crossed with American Shetland ponies in the U.S. first, what resulted in so-called Classic American Shetland ponies. Since the 1960s, these ponies were backcrosse ... More about the horse breed German Classic Pony
Pony, Mix
2 years
11,2 hh


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Unser kleiner Charmeur  sucht einen neuen Wirkungskreis. Er ist lieb, kennt aber bis auf ein Halfter nichts. Wer verliebt sich in den tollen Kerl ?
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Our little charmer is looking for a new sphere of activity. He is lovely, but knows nothing except a halter. Who will fall in love with this great guy?
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Notre petit charmeur cherche un nouveau domaine d'activité. Il est adorable, mais ne connaît rien à part un licol. Qui tombera amoureux de ce magnifique animal ?
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Il nostro piccolo incantatore sta cercando una nuova casa. È adorabile, ma non conosce altro che la cavezza. Chi si innamorerà di questo ragazzo fantastico?
This text has been translated automatically.
Onze kleine charmeur is op zoek naar een nieuwe thuis. Hij is lief, maar kent niets behalve een halster. Wie wordt er verliefd op deze kanjer?


Private vendor
19374 Obere Warnow Ortsteil Grebbin

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19374 Obere Warnow Ortsteil Grebbin
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