
Tolle Zuchtstute mit super Nachzucht, Hengstmutter, tragend

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4180839
Online since: 19.08.2024
Ad views: 793
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~ £3.044 Negotiable
Hannoveraner PZV Berlin-Brandenburg eVBreeders community
14979 Großbeeren Germany
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Further information

The German Riding Pony is one of the most popular pony breeds in Germany. It developed in the mid-sixties by crossing different pony breeds with English Thoroughbreds. The goal was to breed a "miniature warmblood", what breeders well succeeded in: The German Riding Pony has got all the qualities of ... More about the horse breed German Riding Pony
19 years
14,1 hh
Hannoveraner Verband
is in foal
is a companion
is registered broodmare
suitable for beginners
is worked on the ground
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Diese wunderbare, zuverlässige und brave Deutsches Reitpony-Zuchtstute heißt Eiluns Laissez Faire und ist sicher tragend für 2025. Sie stellte bereits 2x das Siegerfohlen des Moritzburger Fohlenchampionats im Zuchtbezirk Sachsen. Außerdem hat sie mit Eiluns Mojo einen gekörten Sohn, der sich in jeder Reitpferdeprüfung hoch platzieren konnte (auch gegen Großpferde) und als eines der erfolgreichsten Nachwuchspferde zum Rimondo-Nachwuchsstar 2022 wurde (Platz 17 von 100!). Alle Kinder unserer wertvollen Eiluns Laissez Faire sind sehr gut gelungen, absolut kopfklar, rittig und bleiben im Maß.

Die feine Eiluns Laissez Faire eignet sich sowohl für Kenner als auch für Einsteiger in die moderne Reitponyzucht, denn sie vererbt sich sehr gut und ist immer unkompliziert. Ihr Charakter ist vom Feinsten! Immer brav, äußerst menschenbezogen, total unkompliziert. Sie fährt gern Hänger, und sogar Kinder können sehr gut mit ihr umgehen. Zudem ist sie auch in der Herde sehr beliebt und verträglich.

Das Pferd hatte in der Vergangenheit eine akute Rehe, die selbstverständlich versorgt wurde. Daher muss sie schlank bleiben. Unter dieser Voraussetzung geht Eiluns Laissez Faire bei uns kontrolliert auf die Weide und ist ansonsten anspruchslos.

Eiluns Laissez Faire ist in sehr gutem Pflegezustand, regelmäßig entwurmt, regelmäßig beim Schmied, optimal versorgt. Sie ist berufsbedingt nie geritten worden und ist daher eine reine Zuchstute.

Melden Sie sich bitte für ein Kennenlernen! Wir zeigen Ihnen diese schöne Stute und reichlich Nachzucht gerne vor Ort!
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This wonderful, reliable and well-behaved German Riding Pony broodmare is called Eiluns Laissez Faire and is certainly in foal for 2025. She has already produced the winning foal of the Moritzburg Foal Championships in the Saxony breeding district twice. She also has a licensed son, Eiluns Mojo, who has placed highly in every test for young riding horses (even against large horses) and was one of the most successful young horses to become a Rimondo youngster star in 2022 (17th place out of 100!). All the children of our precious Eiluns Laissez Faire are very well turned out, absolutely clear-headed, rideable and stay in line.

The fine Eiluns Laissez Faire is suitable for connoisseurs as well as for beginners in modern riding pony breeding, because she passes on very well and is always uncomplicated. Her character is at its best! Always well-behaved, extremely people-oriented, totally uncomplicated. She loves riding in trailers and even children are very good with her. She is also very popular and easy to get along with in the herd.

The horse has had acute laminitis in the past, which was of course treated. She must therefore remain slim. Under these conditions, Eiluns Laissez Faire goes out to pasture with us in a controlled manner and is otherwise undemanding.

Eiluns Laissez Faire is in very good condition, regularly wormed, regularly seen by the blacksmith and optimally cared for. She has never been ridden professionally and is therefore a pure broodmare.

Please contact us to get to know her! We will be happy to show you this beautiful mare and her many offspring on site!
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Questa meravigliosa, affidabile ed educata fattrice tedesca di pony da equitazione si chiama Eiluns Laissez Faire e sarà sicuramente in parto nel 2025. Ha già prodotto per due volte il puledro vincente ai Campionati dei puledri di Moritzburg nel distretto di allevamento della Sassonia. Ha anche un figlio autorizzato, Eiluns Mojo, che si è piazzato ai primi posti in tutte le prove per giovani cavalli da monta (anche contro cavalli di grossa taglia) ed è stato uno dei cavalli giovani di maggior successo a diventare una stella del Rimondo giovani nel 2022 (17° posto su 100!). Tutti i figli del nostro prezioso Eiluns Laissez Faire sono molto ben cresciuti, assolutamente lucidi, cavalcabili e in linea.

Il pregiato Eiluns Laissez Faire è adatto sia agli intenditori che ai principianti dell'allevamento moderno di pony da equitazione, perché si trasmette molto bene ed è sempre semplice. Il suo carattere è al massimo! Sempre ben educata, estremamente orientata verso le persone, totalmente priva di complicazioni. Ama andare in carrozza e anche i bambini sono molto bravi con lei. Anche nel branco è molto apprezzata e facile da gestire.

In passato la cavalla ha avuto una laminite acuta, che è stata ovviamente trattata. Deve quindi rimanere magra. In queste condizioni, Eiluns Laissez Faire esce al pascolo con noi in modo controllato e per il resto non è esigente.

Laissez Faire di Eilun è in ottime condizioni, regolarmente sverminata, regolarmente visitata dal maniscalco e curata in modo ottimale. Non è mai stata cavalcata professionalmente ed è quindi una fattrice pura.

Contattateci per conoscerla! Saremo lieti di mostrarvi questa bellissima cavalla e la sua numerosa prole in loco!




03205 Calau, Brandenburg


Hannoveraner PZV Berlin-Brandenburg eV
Breeders community
14979 Großbeeren
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Dressage horses
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