German Riding Pony Mare 6 years 14 hh Gray in Achern
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Schickes, braves Pony zum Durchstarten

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4226757
Online since: 25.09.2024
Ad views: 539
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~ £10.003 Negotiable
Pascale Lipp
77855 Achern Germany
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

The German Riding Pony is one of the most popular pony breeds in Germany. It developed in the mid-sixties by crossing different pony breeds with English Thoroughbreds. The goal was to breed a "miniature warmblood", what breeders well succeeded in: The German Riding Pony has got all the qualities of ... More about the horse breed German Riding Pony
6 years
14 hh


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Schicke 6-jährige Stute mit 1,44m Stockmaß. Wurde als Absetzer gekauft und später bei uns schonend von jungem Mädchen ausgebildet. 
Sehr schön und einfach zu reiten. Auch schon von Kindern gut nach zu reiten. Deckt aber auch kleine Erwachsene gut ab. Kennt Gelände, Schmied, Hänger fahren, fremde Plätze.

Ihr Vater Mr. Bubble konnte viele Medaillen bei Bundeschampionaten, Landesmeisterschaften usw. gewinnen.

Ehrliches Pony zum Spaß haben für Groß und Klein. 

Aktuell haben wir noch weitere tolle Ponys zum Verkauf. 
Bei Interesse gerne melden. 
Telefonisch zu erreichen unter 01794103377
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Chic 6-year-old mare with 1.44m height. She was bought as a weanling and later trained gently by a young girl.
Very nice and easy to ride. Can also be ridden well by children. Also covers small adults well. Knows the terrain, the farrier, riding in trailers, unfamiliar places.

Her sire Mr. Bubble won many medals at national championships, state championships etc.

An honest pony to have fun with for young and old.

We currently have other great ponies for sale.
Please contact us if you are interested.
You can reach us by phone at 01794103377
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Cavalla elegante di 6 anni con 1,44 m di altezza. Acquistata come svezzamento e successivamente addestrata con delicatezza da una giovane ragazza.
Molto simpatica e facile da cavalcare. Può essere cavalcata anche da bambini. Copre bene anche i piccoli adulti. Conosce il terreno, il maniscalco, il traino, i luoghi sconosciuti.

Il suo padre, Mr Bubble, ha vinto molte medaglie ai campionati nazionali, ai campionati statali, ecc.

Un pony onesto con cui divertirsi per grandi e piccini.

Attualmente abbiamo altri fantastici pony in vendita.
Contattateci se siete interessati.
Potete raggiungerci telefonicamente a 01794103377
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Szykowna 6-letnia klacz o wzroście 1,44 m. Kupiona jako odsadek i później delikatnie trenowana przez młodą dziewczynę.
Bardzo miła i łatwa do jazdy. Może być również dosiadana przez dzieci. Dobrze radzi sobie również z małymi dorosłymi. Zna teren, kowala, jazdę w przyczepie, nieznane miejsca.

Jej ojciec Mr Bubble zdobył wiele medali na mistrzostwach krajowych, stanowych itp.

Uczciwy kucyk do zabawy dla młodych i starszych.

Obecnie mamy inne wspaniałe kuce na sprzedaż.
Prosimy o kontakt, jeśli jesteś zainteresowany.
Można się z nami skontaktować telefonicznie pod adresem 01794103377


Pascale Lipp
77855 Achern
Homepage: pascalelipp

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