German Riding Pony Mare 9 years 14 hh Pinto in Wiesbaum
German Riding Pony Mare 9 years 14 hh Pinto in Wiesbaum
German Riding Pony Mare 9 years 14 hh Pinto in Wiesbaum
German Riding Pony Mare 9 years 14 hh Pinto in Wiesbaum
German Riding Pony Mare 9 years 14 hh Pinto in Wiesbaum
German Riding Pony Mare 9 years 14 hh Pinto in Wiesbaum
German Riding Pony Mare 9 years 14 hh Pinto in Wiesbaum
+1 Pictures

Zuverlässiges Allround Pony

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4149909
Online since: 25.07.2024
Ad views: 2978
Add to wish list: 98
€5.000 to €10.000
~£4.349 to £8.698
Simone Bell
54578 Wiesbaum Germany
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

The German Riding Pony is one of the most popular pony breeds in Germany. It developed in the mid-sixties by crossing different pony breeds with English Thoroughbreds. The goal was to breed a "miniature warmblood", what breeders well succeeded in: The German Riding Pony has got all the qualities of ... More about the horse breed German Riding Pony
9 years
14 hh
Training level: E ~ Training Level
is a companion
suitable as school horse/pony
suitable for therapeutic riding
suitable for beginners
is lunged
is worked on the ground
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
No eczema


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Mimi ist ein zuverlässiges, menschenbezogenes und vielfältiges Traumpony . 
Bildschön und neugierig erobert sie die Kinderherzen. Sie ist brav im Umgang und gibt ihrem Reiter immer ein sicheres Reitgefühl, egal in welcher Gangart. Sie hat einen natürlichen Vorwärtsgang, aber immer brav und gut zu Händeln.
This text has been translated automatically.
imi is a reliable, people-oriented and versatile dream pony.
Beautiful and curious, she captures the hearts of children. She is well-behaved and always gives her rider a secure riding feeling, regardless of the gait. She has a natural forward gait, but is always well-behaved and easy to handle.
This text has been translated automatically.
imi est un poney de rêve fiable, proche de l'homme et aux multiples facettes.
Belle et curieuse, elle conquiert le cœur des enfants. Elle est gentille et donne toujours à son cavalier un sentiment de sécurité, quelle que soit l'allure. Elle a une allure naturelle en avant, mais elle est toujours sage et facile à manier.
This text has been translated automatically.
imi is een betrouwbare, mensgerichte en veelzijdige droompony.
Ze is mooi en nieuwsgierig en verovert de harten van kinderen. Ze is braaf en geeft haar ruiter altijd een veilig gevoel, ongeacht de gang. Ze heeft een natuurlijke voorwaartse gang, maar is altijd braaf en makkelijk in de omgang.


Simone Bell
54578 Wiesbaum
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Simone Bell
54578 Wiesbaum
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