German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
German Sport Horse Stallion 1 year Chestnut in Radevormwald
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Ganggewaltiger Jährlingshengst mit großen Sportambitionen

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4115771
Online since: 26.07.2024
Ad views: 831
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~ £4.784
Private vendor
42477 Radevormwald
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Further information

The German Warmblood, also called German Sport Horse, is a very young breed of sport horses. It developed in 2003, when three German breeding associations decided to cooperate: Berlin-Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony-Thuringia. The exterior and interior of the German Warmblood resembles its pre ... More about the horse breed German Sport Horse
1 year
Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt
is allrounder
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Bovbjerg Fyr, genannt Bobby, zeigt sich als liebenswerter, unerschrockener und neugieriger Jährlingshengst. Er verfügt über einen korrekten Körperbau und viel Elastizität in seinen Bewegungen. Der langbeinige Dunkelfuchs, der nach einem großen, roten Leuchtturm benannt ist, überzeugt durch seinen menschenbezogenen, freundlichen und überaus ruhigen Charakter. Bobby steht derzeit mit einem zweijährigen Wallach aus unserer Zucht in einem Offenstall zusammen und zeigt sich verspielt und kontaktfreudig.

Sein Vater Ben Benicio, langbeinig und herrlich aufgemacht, begeistert mit 3 Grundgangarten in höchster Bonität. Seinen 14 Tage- Test in Adelheidsdorf absolvierte er mit der hervorragenden Endnote von 8,43 als Sieger. 2016 gewann er das Westfälische Championat und avanciert inzwischen zum Seriensieger in den schweren Klassen.

Bobbys Mutter Synea (SLP) stammt ab vom Trakehner Siegerhengst Kentucky der Körung 2009, der mit einer dressurbetonten Endnote im 30 Tage-Test von 8,75 auf sich aufmerksam machte. Inzwischen zählen etliche gekörte Söhne und Staatsprämienstuten zu seinen Nachkommen.
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Bovbjerg Fyr, called Bobby, is a lovable, fearless and curious yearling stallion. He has a correct conformation and a lot of elasticity in his movements. The long-legged dark chestnut, named after a large red lighthouse, impresses with his people-oriented, friendly and extremely calm character. Bobby is currently growing up with a stallion of the same age from our breeding program and is playful and sociable.

His sire Ben Benicio, long-legged and beautifully presented, inspires with 3 basic gaits of the highest quality. He passed his 14-day test in Adelheidsdorf with an outstanding final score of 8.43 as the winner. He won the Westphalian Championships in 2016 and has since become a serial winner in the advanced classes.

Bobby's dam Synea (SLP) is descended from the Trakehner Champion Stallion Kentucky from the 2009 licensing, who attracted attention with a dressage-oriented final score of 8.75 in the 30-day test. His offspring now include a number of licensed sons and state premium mares.




Private vendor
42477 Radevormwald

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