German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 16,2 hh Brown in Zahna-Elster
German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 16,2 hh Brown in Zahna-Elster
German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 16,2 hh Brown in Zahna-Elster
German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 16,2 hh Brown in Zahna-Elster
German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 16,2 hh Brown in Zahna-Elster
German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 16,2 hh Brown in Zahna-Elster
German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 16,2 hh Brown in Zahna-Elster
German Sport Horse Stallion Foal (05/2024) 16,2 hh Brown in Zahna-Elster
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Hengstfohlen von Cashmere

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4128480
Online since: 18.07.2024
Ad views: 2578
Add to wish list: 10
~ £5.654 Negotiable
Private vendor
06895 Zahna-Elster OT Zörnigall
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

The German Warmblood, also called German Sport Horse, is a very young breed of sport horses. It developed in 2003, when three German breeding associations decided to cooperate: Berlin-Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony-Thuringia. The exterior and interior of the German Warmblood resembles its pre ... More about the horse breed German Sport Horse
Foal (05/2024)
16,2 hh
Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt


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Catano sucht ab Ende Oktober ein neues Zuhause. Er ist am 01.05.2024 geboren. 
Vater ist Cashmere, ein Hengst vom Gestüt Bonhomme. Mutter (Lolita) stammt vom Lavall I ab. 
Beide Eltern sind im Springsport erfolgreich. Lolita war auch in der Vielseitigkeit bis A** und im Springen bis Klasse M** erfolgreich. 
Ich denke, der kleine Catano wird ein Allrounder, der keine Wünsche offen lässt. Für ein Springpferd bringt er auch sehr gute Bewegungen mit.

Wenn Sie den kleinen Catano kennenlernen möchten, dann melden Sie sich gern und machen Sie einen Kuscheltermin aus.

Bei weiteren Fragen gerne melden
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Catano is looking for a new home from the end of October. He was born on 01.05.2024.
Sire is Cashmere, a stallion from Bonhomme Stud. Dam (Lolita) descends from Lavall I.
Both parents are successful in show jumping. Lolita was also successful in eventing up to advanced (A**) level and in show jumping up to medium (M**) level.
I think little Catano will be an all-rounder who leaves nothing to be desired. He also has very good movements for a show jumper.

If you would like to get to know little Catano, please get in touch and make an appointment to cuddle him.

Please contact us if you have any further questions
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Catano busca un nuevo hogar a partir de finales de octubre. Nació el 01/05/2024.
El padre es Cashmere, semental de la yeguada Bonhomme. La madre (Lolita) desciende de Lavall I.
Ambos padres han tenido éxito en salto de obstáculos. Lolita también tuvo éxito en concurso completo hasta el nivel avanzado (A**) y en salto de obstáculos hasta el nivel medio (M**).
Creo que el pequeño Catano será un caballo polivalente que no dejará nada que desear. También tiene muy buenos movimientos para un saltador de obstáculos.

Si quieres conocer al pequeño Catano, ponte en contacto conmigo y concierta una cita para mimarlo.

Si tiene más preguntas, póngase en contacto con nosotros
This text has been translated automatically.
Catano cerca una nuova casa a partire dalla fine di ottobre. È nato il 01/05/2024.
Il sire è Cashmere, uno stallone di Bonhomme Stud. La madre (Lolita) discende da Lavall I.
Entrambi i genitori hanno avuto successo nel salto ostacoli. Lolita ha avuto successo anche nell'eventing fino al livello avanzato (A**) e nel salto ostacoli fino al livello medio (M**).
Penso che il piccolo Catano sarà un tuttofare che non lascia nulla a desiderare. Inoltre, ha movimenti molto buoni per un saltatore da esposizione.

Se volete conoscere il piccolo Catano, contattatemi e prendete un appuntamento per coccolarlo.

Contattateci per qualsiasi altra domanda




Private vendor
06895 Zahna-Elster OT Zörnigall

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06895 Zahna-Elster OT Zörnigall
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