Haflinger Mare 11 years 14,2 hh Palomino in Grub AR

29 on wish list

Tolle Allroundstute zu verkaufen

~ £6.753 Negotiable
Private vendor
9035 Grub AR


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Further information

The Haflinger, a popular small breed, has its origin in southern Tyrol (Italy). In general, it is a pony breed for different uses. The breeding history remains obscure. In 1868, the first written reference is found about Arab blood that was introduced in breeding. Haflingers are always rich, ... More about the horse breed Haflinger
11 years
14,2 hh
Western allround
Bayerischer Zuchtverband für Kleinpferde und Spezialpferderassen e.V.

is lunged

is worked on the ground

Reliable for trail riding

is allrounder

is easy to load

Stands for the farrier

Equine Passport available

No eczema


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Paloma ist eine sehr sensible, aufmerksame Stute, die ihrem Menschen am Boden sowie unter dem Sattel gefallen möchte. Sie ist sehr fein zu reiten und gibt dem Menschen ein sehr schönes Reitgefühl. Bevor Paloma zu uns kam, wurde sie in der Zucht eingesetzt und hatte bereits zwei Fohlen.

Bei uns wurde sie im klassischen Stil weiterausgebildet und wird regelmässig vom Boden aus gearbeitet in Form von Bodenarbeit, longieren, Freiarbeit und Freispringen. Sie kennt die Arbeit mit Stangen und hat auch schon kleinere Sprünge gemeistert.

Paloma kennt das Gelände zu zweit oder in Gruppen. Allein benötigt sie noch sehr viel Übung, da sie rasch aus der Ruhe kommen kann und dann nervös und unsicher wird.
Aufgrund ihrer temperamentvollen Art haben wir entschlossen, dass Paloma auf unserem Reitschul - und Therapiebetrieb nicht am richtigen Ort ist und suchen für sie einen Pferdeerfahrenen Menschen, welcher Freude daran hat ein feines, arbeitsfreudiges Pferd weiter zu fördern und zu fordern. 

Angesichts Ihrer vielseitigen Veranlagungen können wir uns Paloma in verschiedenen Disziplinen vorstellen. (Springen, Dressur, Western, Zucht, Bodenarbeit)
Paloma geht Barhuf. Paloma kennt die Gruppenhaltung, den Tierarzt, Zahnarzt und den Hufpfleger.

Preisvorstellung: 7.500 Fr.

Standort: Grub AR

Für weitere Auskünfte und Terminvereinbarungen freue ich mich auf Ihren Anruf. 
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Paloma is a very sensitive, attentive mare who wants to please her owner both on the ground and under saddle. She is very fine to ride and gives people a very nice riding feeling. Before Paloma came to us, she was used for breeding and already had two foals.

With us she was trained in the classical style and is regularly worked from the ground in the form of ground work, lunging, free work and free jumping. She knows how to work with poles and has already mastered smaller jumps.

Paloma knows the terrain in pairs or in groups. She still needs a lot of practice on her own, as she can quickly lose her cool and then become nervous and unsure.
Due to her temperamental nature, we have decided that Paloma is not in the right place at our riding school and therapy center and are looking for an experienced rider who will enjoy encouraging and challenging a fine, hard-working horse.

In view of her versatile dispositions, we can imagine Paloma in various disciplines. (Jumping, dressage, western, breeding, ground work)
Paloma goes barehoof. Paloma is familiar with group training, the vet, dentist and farrier.

Asking price: 7.500 Fr.

Location: Grub AR

I look forward to your call for further information and appointments.
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Paloma è una cavalla molto sensibile e attenta che vuole compiacere il suo proprietario sia a terra che sotto la sella. È molto fine da cavalcare e dà alle persone una sensazione molto piacevole. Prima di arrivare da noi, Paloma è stata utilizzata per la riproduzione e ha già avuto due puledri.

Con noi, è stata addestrata secondo lo stile classico e viene regolarmente allenata da terra sotto forma di lavoro a terra, affondo, lavoro libero e salto libero. Sa lavorare con i bastoni e ha già acquisito la padronanza dei salti più piccoli.

Paloma conosce il terreno in coppia o in gruppo. Ha ancora bisogno di molta pratica da sola, perché può perdere rapidamente la calma e diventare nervosa e insicura.
A causa del suo carattere irascibile, abbiamo deciso che Paloma non è adatta alla nostra scuola di equitazione e al nostro centro terapeutico e cerchiamo un cavaliere esperto che si diverta a incoraggiare e sfidare un cavallo bello e laborioso.

Data la sua versatilità, possiamo immaginare Paloma in diverse discipline. (Salto, dressage, western, allevamento, lavoro a terra).
Paloma va a piedi nudi. Paloma ha familiarità con l'addestramento di gruppo, il veterinario, il dentista e l'addetto alla rifinitura degli zoccoli.

Prezzo richiesto: 7.500 Fr.

Posizione: Grub AR

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Private vendor
9035 Grub AR

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9035 Grub AR

