Hanoverian Mix Gelding 6 years 17 hh Bay in Kaunas
Hanoverian Mix Gelding 6 years 17 hh Bay in Kaunas
Hanoverian Mix Gelding 6 years 17 hh Bay in Kaunas
Hanoverian Mix Gelding 6 years 17 hh Bay in Kaunas
Hanoverian Mix Gelding 6 years 17 hh Bay in Kaunas


Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4211837
Online since: 12.09.2024
Ad views: 412
Add to wish list: 3
€15.000 to €20.000
~£13.048 to £17.397
Lėja Montvydaitė
01204 Vilnius Lithuania
+370 (0)6... View All
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Further information

One of the major warmblood breeds of all German breedings is the Hanoverian. Its origin goes back to the founding of the State Stud Celle in Lower Saxony in 1735. As a basis of breeding, Holstein horses were used but also the Thoroughbred was of great importance because they gave the Hanoverian hard ... More about the horse breed Hanoverian
6 years
17 hh
Training level: Advanced (4'7'') ~ Advanced (4'7'')
Success: Elementary (youngster) ~ Elementary (youngster)


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018, 173cm Baltischer Hannoveraner Wallach.
Turniererfahrung bis 105cm.
Schulausbildung bis 120cm.

Ruhiger und unkomplizierter Wallach, geeignet für Amateur-Reiter. Hat Potential im Springen oder im Jagdparcours. Hat keine Angst vor irgendetwas und ist sehr ehrlich - springt aus jedem Winkel. Hat automatischen Führungswechsel. Hat saubere Röntgenbilder.
Gefunden in Litauen

Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich auf Instagram:
Oder WhatsApp: +37067799910
018, 173cm Baltic Hanoverian gelding. 
Competition experience up to 105cm.
Schooling up to 120cm.

Calm and easy going type gelding suitable for amateur riders. Has potential in showjumping or hunters ring. Not afraid of anything and is very honest - jumping from any angle. Has automatic lead change. Has clean x-rays.
Located in Lithuania 

Please contact me on Instagram:
Or WhatsApp: +37067799910
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018, hongre hanovrien balte de 173 cm.
Expérience en compétition jusqu'à 105cm.
Ecole jusqu'à 120cm.

Hongre de type calme et facile à vivre, adapté aux cavaliers amateurs. A du potentiel en saut d'obstacles ou en hunters ring. N'a peur de rien et est très honnête - sautant sous n'importe quel angle. Changement de pied automatique. Ses radiographies sont correctes.
Situé en Lituanie

Veuillez me contacter sur Instagram :
Ou WhatsApp : +37067799910
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018, castrone Hannoveriano Baltico di 173 cm.
Esperienza di competizione fino a 105 cm.
Esperienza di scolarizzazione fino a 120 cm.

Tipo di castrone calmo e tranquillo, adatto a cavalieri dilettanti. Ha un potenziale per il salto ostacoli o per i cacciatori. Non ha paura di nulla ed è molto onesto - salta da qualsiasi angolazione. Ha un cambio automatico del guinzaglio. Ha radiografie pulite.
Situato in Lituania

Contattatemi su Instagram:
O WhatsApp: +37067799910
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018, 173cm wałach rasy hanower bałtycki.
Doświadczenie konkursowe do 105cm.
Nauka do 120cm.

Spokojny i łatwy w obsłudze wałach odpowiedni dla amatorów. Ma potencjał w skokach przez przeszkody lub na ringu myśliwskim. Nie boi się niczego i jest bardzo uczciwy - skacze pod każdym kątem. Posiada automatyczną zmianę wodzy. Ma czyste zdjęcia rentgenowskie.
Znajduje się na Litwie

Proszę o kontakt na Instagramie:
lub WhatsApp: +37067799910


03111 Kaunas


Lėja Montvydaitė
01204 Vilnius
Homepage: lejamontvydaite

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