Hanoverian Mare 16 years 16,1 hh Gray-Dapple in Großheide Berumerfehn

35 on wish list

Schöne Schimmelstute, für Springen und Freizeit

~ £2.957 Negotiable
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26532 Großheide
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Further information

One of the major warmblood breeds of all German breedings is the Hanoverian. Its origin goes back to the founding of the State Stud Celle in Lower Saxony in 1735. As a basis of breeding, Holstein horses were used but also the Thoroughbred was of great importance because they gave the Hanoverian hard ... More about the horse breed Hanoverian
16 years
16,1 hh
Training level: L ~ Elementary (3'9'')
Hannoveraner Verband


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Stakkita sucht einen neuen Möhrchengeber,sie ist super brav im Umgang und beim reiten,sie ist im Training bis L gesprungen, hatte jetzt 4Fohlen, und wird seit 8Wochen wieder geritten,sie hat nichts verlernt,drauf setzen und los reiten.  Sie ist absolut unerschrocken, geht alleine von zu Hause weg. Sehr Herdenverträglich. Muss nicht jeden Tag geritten werden.  Ist kein Gewichtsträger bis 85Kg. Sie ist gesund, keine Erkrankungen oder Beeinträchtigungen.  Wird wegen Bestandsverkleinerung,des Züchters im Auftrag verkauft.
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Stakkita is looking for a new rider, she is super well-behaved in handling and riding, she has jumped up to L in training, has now had 4 foals, and has been ridden again for 8 weeks, she has not forgotten anything, sit on it and ride off.  She is absolutely fearless, goes away from home on her own. Very compatible with herds. Does not need to be ridden every day.  Is not a weight carrier up to 85 kg. She is healthy, no illnesses or impairments.  Is being sold on behalf of the breeder due to downsizing.
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Stakkita è alla ricerca di un nuovo cavaliere, è super educata nella gestione e nell'equitazione, ha saltato fino a L in addestramento, ha avuto 4 puledri ed è stata cavalcata di nuovo per 8 settimane, non ha dimenticato nulla, si siede e parte.  È assolutamente impavida, va via da casa da sola. Molto compatibile con le mandrie. Non ha bisogno di essere cavalcata ogni giorno.  Non è portatrice di peso fino a 85 kg. È sana, non ha malattie o menomazioni.  Viene venduta per conto dell'allevatore a causa di un ridimensionamento.
This text has been translated automatically.
Stakkita is op zoek naar een nieuwe ruiter, ze is super braaf in de omgang en in het rijden, ze is opgesprongen naar L in training, heeft nu 4 veulens gehad, en is weer 8 weken gereden, ze is niets vergeten, erop zitten en wegrijden.  Ze is absoluut onbevreesd, gaat zelfstandig van huis. Zeer compatibel met kuddes. Hoeft niet elke dag bereden te worden.  Is geen gewichtdrager tot 85kg. Ze is gezond, geen ziektes of gebreken.  Wordt verkocht namens de fokker wegens inkrimping.


Private vendor
26532 Großheide

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26532 Großheide

