Hanoverian Mix Mare 26 years 17 hh Black in Sant Julia De Vilatorta
Hanoverian Mix Mare 26 years 17 hh Black in Sant Julia De Vilatorta
Hanoverian Mix Mare 26 years 17 hh Black in Sant Julia De Vilatorta
Hanoverian Mix Mare 26 years 17 hh Black in Sant Julia De Vilatorta
Hanoverian Mix Mare 26 years 17 hh Black in Sant Julia De Vilatorta
Hanoverian Mix Mare 26 years 17 hh Black in Sant Julia De Vilatorta



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Yegua de 25 años Cruce Hannoveriana

~ £826
Private vendor
08504 Sant Julia De Vilatorta
+34 (0)60... View All


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Further information

One of the major warmblood breeds of all German breedings is the Hanoverian. Its origin goes back to the founding of the State Stud Celle in Lower Saxony in 1735. As a basis of breeding, Holstein horses were used but also the Thoroughbred was of great importance because they gave the Hanoverian hard ... More about the horse breed Hanoverian
26 years
17 hh

is a companion

suitable as school horse/pony

suitable for beginners

is worked on the ground

Reliable for trail riding

is capable of carrying weight



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25 Jahre alte Hannoveraner Kreuzstute, ideal für Anfänger, sie geht Geländestrecken, Trab und Galopp, hat ein sehr leichtes Gangwerk und viel Energie.
Sie kann auch zum Unterricht auf der Rennbahn eingesetzt werden.
Alle Papiere sind auf dem neuesten Stand (Impfungen, etc.).
Trotz ihres Alters ist sie eine Stute mit viel Leben und Energie. Sie misst 1,75 am Widerrist. Im Moment haben wir sie in einem Zentrum, wo sie Ausritte in der Natur und in den Bergen unternimmt und auf der Galoppbahn trainiert.
Edle Stute
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25 year old Hanoverian cross mare, perfect for beginners, she does routes through the countryside, trots and gallops, has a very light step and a lot of energy.
She can also be used to give lessons on the track.
She has all her papers up to date (vaccinations, etc).
Despite her age, she is a mare with a lot of life and energy. She measures 1,75 at the withers. Currently we have her in a center where she goes out to do routes in the countryside and mountains and does training in the gallop track.
Noble mare
Yegua de 25 años cruce Hannoveriana, perfecta para principiantes, hace rutas por el campo, trota y galopa, tiene paso muy ligero y mucha energía.
También puede servir para dar clases en pista
Tiene todos los papeles al día ( vacunas, etc) 
A pesar de la edad es una yegua con mucha vida y energía. Mide 1,75 a la cruz. Actualmente la tenemos en un centro donde sale a hacer rutas por campo y montaña y hace entrenamiento en pista de galope. 
Yegua noble
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Cavalla incrociata hannoveriana di 25 anni, perfetta per i principianti, fa percorsi di campagna, trotto e galoppo, ha un'andatura molto leggera e molta energia.
Può essere utilizzata anche per dare lezioni in pista.
Ha tutti i documenti aggiornati (vaccinazioni, ecc.).
Nonostante l'età, è una cavalla con molta vita ed energia. Misura 1,75 al garrese. Al momento la teniamo in un centro dove esce per fare percorsi in campagna e in montagna e si allena in pista al galoppo.
Cavalla nobile
Private vendor
08504 Sant Julia De Vilatorta

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Private vendor
08504 Sant Julia De Vilatorta

