Holstein Mare 13 years 16,2 hh Brown in Oyten
Holstein Mare 13 years 16,2 hh Brown in Oyten
Holstein Mare 13 years 16,2 hh Brown in Oyten
Holstein Mare 13 years 16,2 hh Brown in Oyten
Holstein Mare 13 years 16,2 hh Brown in Oyten

Holsteiner Zuchtperle

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4204237
Online since: 14.09.2024
Ad views: 797
Add to wish list: 15
~ £4.567 Negotiable
VAT can be stated separately
Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Bettina Friemel
Moorstraße 45
28876 Oyten
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

The Holstein is a horse breed from Schleswig -Holstein in Germany. It is one of the most important horse breeds of the German warm blood breeding which can no longer be deleted. In the Middle Ages the Holstein was a tough workhorse that also was used as a cavalry horse and a draught horse for all th ... More about the horse breed Holstein
13 years
16,2 hh
Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes
is a companion
is registered broodmare
is broken-in
is lunged
Passed Mare Performance Test
Halter accustomed
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Dylana (Catolica) hat uns in 8 Zuchtjahren auf dem Zuchthof Hollen 7 tolle Fohlen gebracht. Eine Tochter von Checkter wird nun ihren Zuchtplatz übernehmen.
Diese braune Holsteiner Stute stammt aus dem Stamm 18B1. 
Es ist der Stamm der Dorette v. Monarch. Die Hengste Farn, Ronald, Roman und Quantum sind aus dieser Leisungsfamilie. 
Erfolgspferde dieses Stammes im Sport sind Constant (M. Rüping) Campesino (Th. Voß), Queen Lisa (F. Hassmann) und viele mehr.
Sie hat 3 jährig ihre Stutenleistungsprüfung überdurchschnittlich mit einer 9,5 im Freispringen und einer Gesamtnote von 8,08 absolviert.
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Dylana (Catolica) has produced 7 great foals in 8 years of breeding at Zuchthof Hollen. A daughter of Checkter will now take over her breeding place.
This bay Holstein mare comes from line 18B1.
It is the line of Dorette by Monarch. The stallions Farn, Ronald, Roman and Quantum are from this performance family.
Successful horses of this line in sport are Constant (M. Rüping) Campesino (Th. Voß), Queen Lisa (F. Hassmann) and many more.
She passed her mare performance test at the age of 3 with an above-average 9.5 in free jumping and an overall score of 8.08.
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Dylana (Catolica) ha producido 7 grandes potros en 8 años de cría en Zuchthof Hollen. Una hija de Checkter ocupará ahora su puesto de reproductora.
Esta yegua Holstein de color bayo procede de la línea 18B1.
Es la línea de Dorette por Monarch. Los sementales Farn, Ronald, Roman y Quantum son de esta familia de rendimiento.
Caballos exitosos de esta línea en el deporte son Constant (M. Rüping) Campesino (Th. Voß), Queen Lisa (F. Hassmann) y muchos más.
Superó la prueba de rendimiento de yeguas a la edad de 3 años con una nota superior a la media de 9,5 en salto libre y una puntuación global de 8,08.
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Dylana (Catolica) ha prodotto 7 ottimi puledri in 8 anni di allevamento a Zuchthof Hollen. Una figlia di Checkter prenderà ora il suo posto in allevamento.
Questa cavalla Holstein baia proviene dalla linea 18B1.
È la linea di Dorette di Monarch. Gli stalloni Farn, Ronald, Roman e Quantum appartengono a questa famiglia da prestazione.
I cavalli di successo di questa linea nello sport sono Constant (M. Rüping), Campesino (Th. Voß), Queen Lisa (F. Hassmann) e molti altri.
Ha superato il test di performance all'età di 3 anni con un punteggio superiore alla media di 9,5 nel salto in libertà e un punteggio complessivo di 8,08.
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Dylana (Catolica) dała 7 wspaniałych źrebiąt w ciągu 8 lat hodowli w Zuchthof Hollen. Córka Checktera przejmie teraz jej miejsce w hodowli.
Ta gniada holsztyńska klacz pochodzi z linii 18B1.
Jest to linia Dorette po Monarch. Ogiery Farn, Ronald, Roman i Quantum pochodzą z tej rodziny.
Konie z tej linii odnoszące sukcesy w sporcie to Constant (M. Rüping), Campesino (Th. Voß), Queen Lisa (F. Hassmann) i wiele innych.
Zdała test użytkowości klaczy w wieku 3 lat z ponadprzeciętną notą 9,5 w skokach przez przeszkody i ogólną oceną 8,08.





28876 Oyten, Niedersachsen


Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Bettina Friemel
Moorstraße 45
28876 Oyten

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Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Bettina Friemel
Moorstraße 45
28876 Oyten
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