

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4079374
Online since: 02/06/2024
Ad views: 919
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~ £8,612 Negotiable
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The Holstein is a horse breed from Schleswig -Holstein in Germany. It is one of the most important horse breeds of the German warm blood breeding which can no longer be deleted. In the Middle Ages the Holstein was a tough workhorse that also was used as a cavalry horse and a draught horse for all th ... More about the horse breed Holstein
Foal (01/2024)
17 hh
Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes


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Zucarello x Quantum x Calvados. 
Mutter selbst bis M Springen gelaufen Nachkommen bereits BuCha Qualifiziert bzw. bis M erfolgreich. 
Zucquantu besticht bereits jetzt mir einer enormen Oberhalslinie und Selbstbewusstsein. 
Dieses Hengstfohlen hat drei super Grundgangarten und ist interessant für Hengstaufzüchter.
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Zucarello x Quantum x Calvados.
Dam herself competed up to medium (M) level show jumping. Offspring already BuCha qualified and successful up to medium (M) level.
Zucquantu already impresses with an enormous upper neck line and self-confidence.
This colt has three super basic gaits and is interesting for stallion breeders.
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Zucarello x Quantum x Calvados.
La madre compitió hasta el nivel medio (M) en salto de obstáculos y su descendencia ya está calificada para BuCha y ha tenido éxito hasta el nivel medio (M).
Zucquantu ya impresiona con una enorme línea superior del cuello y confianza en sí mismo.
Este potro tiene tres aires super básicos y es interesante para criadores de sementales.
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Zucarello x Quantum x Calvados.
La madre ha gareggiato fino al livello medio (M) di salto ad ostacoli. La prole è già qualificata BuCha e ha avuto successo fino al livello medio (M).
Zucquantu colpisce già per l'enorme linea del collo superiore e la sicurezza di sé.
Questo puledro ha tre andature di base eccellenti ed è interessante per gli allevatori di stalloni.



Annette Schulz
65558 Eppenrod
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Homepage: annetteschulz

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Annette Schulz
65558 Eppenrod