Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
Hucul Mare 4 years 14 hh Dun in Ramsau
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Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4106877
Online since: 23.06.2024
Ad views: 2190
Add to wish list: 17
~ £5.654
Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Irene Zimmermann
Leiten 404
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein
+43 (0)67... View All
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Further information

The Hucul has different names for which it is known for :Hutsul, Huzul, Carpathian Pony or Huculska. It is believed that it descended from the extinct Tarpan most likely or the crossing with the wild Tarpan with Mongolian horses. It is a Polish working pony breed w ... More about the horse breed Hucul
4 years
14 hh
suitable for therapeutic riding
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
is capable of carrying weight
is easy to load
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Huzule Stute 4j. Braunfalbe Stm. 144cm. kräftiger, kompakter gelassener Typ mit außergewöhnlich bequem zu sitzenden GGA, geritten und gefahren, lernt sehr schnell, ist mutig und selbstbewußt, sicher und unerschrocken im Gelände, auch als Gewichtsträger geeignet, auch brav bei Kinder. Ein ideales Freizeitpferd für die Zukunft ! in der Herde verträglich, für Offenstall geeignet, schmiede u verladefromm
This text has been translated automatically.
Huzule mare, 4 years old, brown dun, stm. 144cm, strong, compact, relaxed type with exceptionally comfortable gaits, ridden and driven, learns very quickly, is courageous and self-confident, safe and fearless in the field, also suitable as a weight carrier, also well-behaved with children. An ideal leisure horse for the future! compatible in the herd, suitable for open stables, easy to forge and load
This text has been translated automatically.
Klacz huculska 4 lata. gniada stm. 144cm. mocna, zwarta, zrelaksowana o wyjątkowo wygodnych chodach, ujeżdżona i zajeżdżona, bardzo szybko się uczy, jest odważna i pewna siebie, bezpieczna i nieustraszona w terenie, nadaje się również jako obciążnik, dobrze zachowuje się również z dziećmi. Idealny koń rekreacyjny na przyszłość! Kompatybilny w stadzie, nadaje się do otwartej stajni, łatwy do kucia i załadunku


8972 Ramsau, Steiermark


Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Irene Zimmermann
Leiten 404
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein

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Private vendor
Ms. / Mrs. Irene Zimmermann
Leiten 404
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein
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