Irish Sport Horse Mare 15 years 16,1 hh Gray in Carlow
Irish Sport Horse Mare 15 years 16,1 hh Gray in Carlow
Irish Sport Horse Mare 15 years 16,1 hh Gray in Carlow
Irish Sport Horse Mare 15 years 16,1 hh Gray in Carlow
Irish Sport Horse Mare 15 years 16,1 hh Gray in Carlow
Irish Sport Horse Mare 15 years 16,1 hh Gray in Carlow
Irish Sport Horse Mare 15 years 16,1 hh Gray in Carlow
+1 Pictures

Calliaghstown Siliver Dooln, Irish sport horse by Silver Banner

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4106217
Online since: 02.07.2024
Ad views: 1961
Add to wish list: 20
€15.000 to €20.000
~£13.048 to £17.397
Private vendor
R93VP44 carlow
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Further information

The Irish Sport Horse is an Irish horse breed, which derived from the Irish Draught Horse. Therefore, those heavy horses were crossed with English Thoroughbreds for refinement. The breeding aim was to breed sport horses having a tendency to the disciplines jumping and eventing. Irish sport ho ... More about the horse breed Irish Sport Horse
15 years
16,1 hh
Training level: 3rd Level ~ 3rd Level
Hunter under saddle
suitable for beginners
is allrounder
is easy to load
Competition experience
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children


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Lily ist eine fabelhafte, amateurfreundliche Stute, die in jeder Hinsicht einfach zu handhaben ist und schon alles erlebt hat.
Ihre beeindruckenden Errungenschaften bis heute umfassen;
Vielseitigkeitsprüfungen von 2016-2018
EI 105 April 2017 - 2.
EI 110 August 2017 - 4.
EI 100 September 2017 - 1.
EI 110 Juli 2018 - 7.
EI 100 September 2018 - 1.

Dressage Ireland ab 2019 Mittelstufe - Durchschnitt von 70% Fortgeschrittene Mittelstufe - Durchschnitt von 66%
Mittlerer Landesmeister 2021
Teilgenommen an FEI Junior Level 2023
BYRDS Home International 2023 - Medium 68,33% 3. Platz und 68,960 1. - FEI junior 66,620% 5. Platz
Nationale Meisterschaften Dressur Irland 2023 2. in FEI junior

Lily ist eine talentierte und sichere Stute, die eine fabelhafte Partnerin für einen Amateur wäre, der es lernen möchte, oder auch für einen Ponyreiter, der sich mit Kindern auf Pferden messen möchte. Sie ist eine sehr willige und aufrichtige Stute.

Minimale Pflege erforderlich.

5* Zuhause nur für diese schöne Stute.
Lily is a Fabulous Amateur Friendly Mare, She is easy to do in every way and has been there done that.
Her impressive accomplishments to date include; 
Evented from 2016-2018 
EI 105 April 2017 – 2nd
EI 110 August 2017 – 4th
EI 100 September 2017 – 1st 
EI 110 July 2018 – 7th
EI 100 September 2018 – 1st  

Dressage Ireland from 2019 Medium level – average of 70% Advanced medium level – average of 66% 
Medium national champion 2021
Competed at FEI junior level in 2023 
BYRDS Home International 2023 - Medium 68.33% 3rd place and 68.960 1st - FEI junior 66.620% 5th place
Dressage Ireland national championships 2023 2nd in FEI junior

Lily is a talented and safe mare who would make to fabulous partner for an amateur wanting to learn or would equally suit a pony rider wanting to compete in children on horses. She is a very willing and genuine mare.

Minimal maintenance required.

5* home only for this beautiful mare.
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Lily es una Yegua Amistosa Amateur Fabulosa, Ella es fácil de hacer en todos los sentidos y ha estado allí hecho eso.
Sus impresionantes logros hasta la fecha incluyen;
Evento de 2016-2018
EI 105 Abril 2017 - 2º
EI 110 Agosto 2017 - 4º
EI 100 Septiembre 2017 - 1º
EI 110 Julio 2018 - 7
EI 100 septiembre 2018 - 1º

Dressage Ireland a partir de 2019 Nivel medio - media del 70% Nivel medio avanzado - media del 66
Campeón nacional de nivel medio en 2021
Compitió en el nivel junior de la FEI en 2023
BYRDS Home International 2023 - Medio 68.33% 3er puesto y 68.960 1º - FEI junior 66.620% 5º puesto
Dressage Ireland national championships 2023 2º en FEI junior

Lily es una yegua talentosa y segura que sería una compañera fabulosa para un aficionado que quiera aprender o también para un jinete de poni que quiera competir con niños a caballo. Es una yegua muy dispuesta y genuina.

Requiere un mantenimiento mínimo.

5 * casa sólo para esta hermosa yegua.
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Lily è una favolosa cavalla amatoriale, facile da gestire in tutti i sensi e che ha già fatto la sua parte.
I suoi impressionanti risultati fino ad oggi includono;
Ha partecipato a manifestazioni dal 2016 al 2018
EI 105 aprile 2017 - 2a posizione
EI 110 Agosto 2017 - 4
EI 100 Settembre 2017 - 1
EI 110 luglio 2018 - 7°
EI 100 settembre 2018 - 1

Dressage Ireland a partire dal 2019 Livello medio - media del 70% Livello medio avanzato - media del 66%.
Campione nazionale medio 2021
Ha gareggiato a livello FEI junior nel 2023.
BYRDS Home International 2023 - Medio 68,33% 3° posto e 68,960 1° - FEI junior 66,620% 5° posto
Campionati nazionali di Dressage Irlanda 2023 2° in FEI junior

Lily è una cavalla talentuosa e sicura che sarebbe un partner favoloso per un dilettante che vuole imparare o sarebbe ugualmente adatta a un cavaliere di pony che vuole competere con i bambini a cavallo. È una cavalla molto disponibile e genuina.

Richiede una manutenzione minima.

Solo una casa a 5* per questa bellissima cavalla.




R93 Carlow


Private vendor
R93VP44 carlow

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R93VP44 carlow
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