Kladruby Mare 6 years 16,2 hh in Izbica
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Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4113821
Online since: 28.06.2024
Ad views: 2517
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~ £21.746
Private vendor
22-375 Izbica
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Further information

The Kladruby has its origin in the Czech Republic. The stud Kladruby, where this breed has been developed, was founded in 1579 and is one of the oldest studs worldwide. In the past it was used as a majestic ceremonial carriage horse in Vienna. White and black are the two color varieties the K ... More about the horse breed Kladruby
6 years
16,2 hh
Training level: C ~ 4th Level
suitable for beginners
is broken-in
is lunged
is worked on the ground
Reliable for trail riding
is easy to load
Stands for the farrier


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Ich verkaufe Bloody Mary Schimmelstute, Rasse Cladruby, geboren 2018. Größe ca. 170 cm. Die Stute beherrscht Seitengänge, Gegengalopp und normale Beinwechsel. Sie ist ruhig, ausgeglichen und arbeitswillig.
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I sell Bloody Mary gray mare, Kladruby breed, born 2018. Height approx. 170 cm. The mare knows how to do side gaits, counter gallops, normal leg changes. She is calm, balanced and willing to work.
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Je vends Bloody Mary jument grise, race cladruby, née en 2018. Taille env. 170 cm. La jument sait faire des marches latérales, des contre-galops, des changements de jambe normaux. Elle est calme, équilibrée et prête à travailler.
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Vendo cavalla grigia Bloody Mary, razza cladruby, nata nel 2018. Altezza ca. 170 cm. La cavalla sa fare passeggiate laterali, controgaloppo, normali cambi di gamba. È calma, equilibrata e disposta a lavorare.
Sprzedam klacz Bloody Mary siwą, rasy kladrubskiej, ur. 2018 r. Wzrost ok. 170 cm. Klacz umie chody boczne, kontrgalopy, zwykłe zmiany nogi. Jest spokojna, zrównoważona i chętna do pracy.
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Jag säljer Bloody Mary grått sto, av rasen cladruby, född 2018. Höjd ca. 170 cm. Stoet vet hur man gör sidovandringar, motgalopp, normala benbyten. Hon är lugn, balanserad och villig att arbeta.


22-375 Izbica, Lublin


Private vendor
22-375 Izbica

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Private vendor
22-375 Izbica
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