KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
KWPN Stallion 4 years 16,2 hh Brown in Wijhe
+5 Pictures

Talented dressage horses for sale

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4124102
Online since: 06.07.2024
Ad views: 1803
Add to wish list: 13
~ £69.588
Private vendor
8131PB Wijhe
+31 (0)61... View All
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Further information

KWPN is an abbreviation for the studbook of the Dutch Warmblood: "Koninklijke Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland". The dam line of this breed originates from the domestic, heavy breeds Gelderland and Groningen horse. The home-grown mares have been crossbred with stallions from other warmblood breed ... More about the horse breed KWPN
4 years
16,2 hh


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Wir haben eine Auswahl an hochwertigen und professionell ausgebildeten Dressurpferden (KWPN, Westfalen und Oldenburger). Alle sind vollständig geprüft und werden nach den höchsten Standards behandelt.
Im Alter von 3 bis 9 Jahren, Ausbildungsstand je nach Alter und Ausbildungsskala. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für ein ausführliches Gespräch, damit wir Ihnen helfen können, Ihr perfektes Paar zu finden:

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We have a selection of high quality and professionally trained dressage horses (KWPN, Westphalia and Oldenburg). All fully vetted and handled up to the highest standards.
Aged from 3 till 9 years old, level of training according to the age and training scale. Please contact us for a more detailed dialogue to help your find your perfect match:

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Disponemos de una selección de caballos de doma de alta calidad y entrenados profesionalmente (KWPN, Westfalia y Oldenburgo). Todos completamente examinados y manejados hasta los más altos estándares.
Edades de 3 a 9 años, nivel de entrenamiento según la edad y la escala de entrenamiento. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para un diálogo más detallado para ayudarle a encontrar su pareja perfecta:

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Abbiamo una selezione di cavalli da dressage di alta qualità e professionalmente addestrati (KWPN, Westfalia e Oldenburg). Tutti completamente controllati e gestiti secondo i più alti standard.
Di età compresa tra i 3 e i 9 anni, livello di addestramento in base all'età e alla scala di addestramento. Contattateci per un dialogo più dettagliato per aiutarvi a trovare l'accoppiamento perfetto:

We have a selection of high quality and professionally trained dressage horses (KWPN, Westfalen and Oldenburg). All fully vetted and handled up to the highest standards. 
Aged from 3 till 9 years old, level of training according to the age and training scale. Please contact us for a more detailed dialogue to help your find your perfect match:

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Posiadamy wybór wysokiej jakości i profesjonalnie wyszkolonych koni ujeżdżeniowych (KWPN, Westfalia i Oldenburg). Wszystkie w pełni sprawdzone i obsługiwane zgodnie z najwyższymi standardami.
W wieku od 3 do 9 lat, poziom treningu w zależności od wieku i skali treningowej. Prosimy o kontakt w celu uzyskania bardziej szczegółowej rozmowy, która pomoże znaleźć idealne dopasowanie:





8131PB Wijhe, Overijssel


Private vendor
8131PB Wijhe

Further information

International Grand Prix rider. Training, competing, sales of top dressage horses from young to Grand Prix

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Private vendor
8131PB Wijhe
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