KWPN Stallion Foal (05/2024) Brown in Nuenen
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Hengstveulen van Siegerhengst Con Touch RS!

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4204298
Online since: 16.09.2024
Ad views: 411
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5752SC Deurne Netherlands
Person in charge:
F. van Santvoort
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Further information

KWPN is an abbreviation for the studbook of the Dutch Warmblood: "Koninklijke Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland". The dam line of this breed originates from the domestic, heavy breeds Gelderland and Groningen horse. The home-grown mares have been crossbred with stallions from other warmblood breed ... More about the horse breed KWPN
Foal (05/2024)
Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland
Directly from the breeder
Equine Passport available


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FOKKER/CONTACT: Herr F. van Santvoort - +31 (0)6-53128536

Keine Kommissionsgebühr beim Kauf dieses Fohlens!

Dieses schöne Springfohlen des jungen westfälischen Siegerhengstes Con Touch RS (von Conthargos) müssen Sie gesehen haben.

Die Mutter dieses Fohlens ist die Holsteiner Stute Zatender. Sie stammt von den besten Holsteiner Hengsten Contender und Acorado I ab. Zatender ist eine Halbschwester des AES-geprüften Hengstes Hyperion S (v. Tornesch). Ihr Sohn Mansour S (v. Connect) gibt in diesem Jahr mit seinem Reiter Andres Filipe Cepeda (COL) erfolgreich sein Debüt in der 1,30m-Klasse.

Die Großmutter Polani (v. Acorado I) lieferte neben dem gekörten Hengst Hyperion S auch das internationale 1,35m-Springpferd Numerobis (v. Numero Uno) - Lamia Laraqui (MAR). Ihr 2017 geborener Sohn Medoc S (v. Casago) baut nun ebenfalls seine Karriere auf und springt auf 1,25m-Niveau.

Der Vater ist der Siegerhengst der Westfälischen Hengstschau 2022. Dieser fantastisch springende Sohn des Spitzenvererbers Conthargos springt mit großer Athletik und kann sich auch außergewöhnlich gut bewegen. Der Mutterstamm von Con Touch geht auf die fantastische Stute Classic Touch zurück. Aus diesem berühmten Mutterstamm stammen zahlreiche gute Sportpferde wie die berühmten United Touch S, Jewels Carat und Untouched.
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FOKKER/CONTACT: Mr. F. van Santvoort - +31 (0)6-53128536

No commission fee when buying this foal!

You must have seen this beautiful jumping foal by the young Westphalian Sieger stallion Con Touch RS (by Conthargos).

Mother of this colt is the Holstein mare Zatender. She descends from the best Holstein stallions Contender and Acorado I. Zatender is a half-sister of the AES-approved stallion Hyperion S (by Tornesch). Her son Mansour S (by Connect) is successfully making his debut in the 1.30m. with his rider Andres Filipe Cepeda (COL) this year.

Grandmother Polani (by Acorado I) gave the international 1.35m. show jumper Numerobis (by Numero Uno) - Lamia Laraqui (MAR) - in addition to the approved stallion Hyperion S. Meanwhile, her 2017 son Medoc S (by Casago) is also building his career, jumping at 1.25m. level.

Sire is the Champion Stallion of the 2022 Westphalian Stallion Show. This fantastic jumping son of top sire Conthargos jumps with a lot of athletic ability and can also move exceptionally well. Con Touch's dam line goes back to the fantastic mare Classic Touch. Numerous good sporthorses come from this famous dam line such as the famous United Touch S, Jewels Carat and Untouched .
FOKKER/CONTACT: Dhr. F. van Santvoort – +31 (0)6-53128536

Bij aanschaf van dit veulen betaald u geen commissie!

Dit prachtige springveulen van de jonge Westfaalse Siegerhengst Con Touch RS (v. Conthargos) moet je gezien hebben.

Moeder van dit hengstveulen is de Holsteiner merrrie Zatender. Zij stamt af van de beste Holsteiner hengsten Contender en Acorado I. Zatender is een halfzus van de AES goedgekeurde hengst Hyperion S (v. Tornesch). Haar zoon Mansour S (v. Connect) maakt dit jaar succesvol zijn debuut in het 1.30m. met zijn ruiter Andres Filipe Cepeda (COL).

Grootmoeder Polani (v. Acorado I) gaf naast de goedgekeurde hengst Hyperion S het internationale 1.35m. springpaard Numerobis (v. Numero Uno) – Lamia Laraqui (MAR). Ook haar zoon uit 2017 Medoc S (v. Casago) timmert inmiddels aan zijn carriere en springt op 1.25m. niveau.

Vader is de Kampioenshengst van de Westfaalse hengstenkeuring 2022. Deze fantastisch springende zoon van topvererver Conthargos springt met veel athletisch vermogen en kan ook nog eens uitzonderlijke goed bewegen. Con Touch zijn moederlijn gaat terug op de fantastische merrie Classic Touch. Tal van goede sportpaarden komen van deze bekende moederlijn zoals de bekende United Touch S, Jewels Carat en Untouched .




5674 Nuenen, Noord-Brabant


5752SC Deurne
Person in charge
F. van Santvoort
Homepage: foalforsale-com

Further information

Foalforsale.com provides comprehensive support services for the global purchase of your foal, brood mare, or young horse. For breeders in the Netherlands, Belgium, and German breeders located near the Dutch border, we offer professional photo, video, and advertising services through our website www.veulentekoop.nl.

Our unique services are backed by extensive experience in equestrian sports, equestrianism, our own breeding programs, and many years of marketing and commercial expertise. Coupled with our proficiency in professional video production, we deliver unmatched quality.

Our international connections and various online channels ensure that your horses receive worldwide attention. Additionally, we offer advice to both sellers and buyers when needed, creating a win-win situation for all parties involved.

At Foalforsale.com, you purchase foals directly from the breeder, ensuring that you do not pay any commission fees. We are available to assist you throughout the entire process, offering support with language barriers, find transportation, finding a vet for the veterinary inspection, locating a place to rear your foal or help with making a purchase agreement.

For more information, please give us a call. We are happy to help!

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5752SC Deurne
Person in charge
F. van Santvoort
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