Lewitzer Mare 9 years 14,2 hh Pinto in Norderstedt
Lewitzer Mare 9 years 14,2 hh Pinto in Norderstedt
Lewitzer Mare 9 years 14,2 hh Pinto in Norderstedt
Lewitzer Mare 9 years 14,2 hh Pinto in Norderstedt
Lewitzer Mare 9 years 14,2 hh Pinto in Norderstedt

Lewitzer Mix Stute

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4218185
Online since: 18.09.2024
Ad views: 496
Add to wish list: 32
~ £2.175 Negotiable
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Further information

The Lewitzer is a so called new breed of ponies, developed in the German Democratic Republic, Mecklenburg- Vorpommern and is mainly grown there and used as sports and children's riding pony. The spread of the Lewitzers in other areas is very limited. Lewitzer have been bred on the basis of tobiano p ... More about the horse breed Lewitzer
9 years
14,2 hh


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Sehr liebe Stute 148cm groß 
Gelände geritten und entspannt.
Sie hatte 2 Fohlen und ist geritten 
9j alt 
Herden verträglich 
Gibt Hufe 
Keine Einschränkungen
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Very nice mare 148cm tall
Ridden cross-country and relaxed.
She had 2 foals and is ridden
9 years old
Herd compatible
Gives hooves
No restrictions
This text has been translated automatically.
Zeer mooie merrie 148cm hoog
Gereden in cross-country en ontspannen.
Ze heeft 2 veulens gehad en is bereden
9 jaar oud
Compatibel met kudde
Geeft hoeven
Geen beperkingen



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