84 on wish list
hübscher großer barocker Lusitano Schimmelhengst, gut geritten
€20.000 to €40.000
~£17.397 to £34.794
Ad ID: 3572251
Ad type: Horse for sale
Online since: 07.04.2023
Ad views: 13955
Wish list
is lunged
is worked on the ground
is capable of carrying weight
Halter accustomed
Equine Passport available
- German
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- English
lieber Charakter mit angenehmen Temperament, in den Grundgangarten geritten, Seitengänge, Außengalopp, fliegende Galoppwechsel, Spanischer Schritt, Piaffe, mit Pirouetten angefangen, barock, groß www.elegante-andalusier.com
This text has been translated automatically.
dear character with pleasant temperament, ridden in the basic gaits, side aisles, outside gallop, Spanish step, baroque, tall www.elegante-andalusier.com
This text has been translated automatically.
querido personaje con temperamento agradable, montado en los andares básicos, pasillos laterales, galope exterior, paso español, barroco, alto www.elegante-andalusier.com
This text has been translated automatically.
cher caractère au tempérament agréable, monté dans les allures de base, allées latérales, galop extérieur, pas espagnol, baroque, grand www.elegante-andalusier.com
This text has been translated automatically.
caro carattere con temperamento piacevole, cavalcato in andature di base, andature laterali, galoppo esterno, passo spagnolo, barocco, alto www.elegante-andalusier.com
This text has been translated automatically.
lief karakter met aangenaam temperament, gereden in basisgangen, zijgangen, buitengalop, Spaanse stap, barok, lang www.elegante-andalusier.com
This text has been translated automatically.
drogi charakter o przyjemnym temperamencie, dosiadany w podstawowych chodach, chody boczne, galop na zewnątrz, krok hiszpański, barok, wysoki www.elegante-andalusier.com
This text has been translated automatically.
härlig karaktär med ett behagligt temperament, riden i grundgångarter, sidvärtsgång, yttergalopp, flygande byten, spansk gångart, piaff, inledd med piruetter, barock, lång www.elegante-andalusier.com

Homepage: eleganteandalusier
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