Mecklenburg Warmblood Gelding 3 years 16,2 hh Brown in Cegléd
Mecklenburg Warmblood Gelding 3 years 16,2 hh Brown in Cegléd
Mecklenburg Warmblood Gelding 3 years 16,2 hh Brown in Cegléd
Mecklenburg Warmblood Gelding 3 years 16,2 hh Brown in Cegléd

3-jahre exlusive sport wallach

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4209935
Online since: 18.09.2024
Ad views: 467
Add to wish list: 7
~ £11.308 Negotiable
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Further information

The Mecklenburger is a warmblood horse breed that first was bred in 1812 at the state stud of Redefin in the Mecklenburg-West Pomerania region of north-eastern Germany. It is a cross between rural stallions and mares. The breed was created after the formation of the stud Neustadt Dosse at the ... More about the horse breed Mecklenburg Warmblood
3 years
16,2 hh


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Sucht neue zu Hause steht dieser 3-jährige, ca 170cm große Wallach von 

Vivaldi x Acord II

Vanquish hat einen unbezahlbar artigen Charakter, er verbringt gerne Zeit mit seinem Menschen und ist immer gut gelaunt. Ausgestattet mit drei qualitätsvollen Grundgangarten und hohem Maß an Rittigkeit ist er ein spitzen Nachwuchspferd fürs große Viereck.
 Seine beiden Vollbrüder Van Vivaldi I und II legen als Deckhengste sport- und züchterisch hocherfolgreich vor. 
Aufgrund seines abgeklärten Wesens ist er auch für einen Amateur geeignet. 

Ist sowohl schmiede- als auch verladefromm. 
Eine röntgenologische Untersuchung liegt bereits vor. 

WhatsApp; ‪+36205814076‬

Der Versand ist weltweit möglich
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Looking for a new home is this 3 year old, approx. 170cm tall gelding from

Vivaldi x Acord II

Vanquish has a priceless character, he loves to spend time with his people and is always in a good mood. Equipped with three quality basic gaits and a high degree of rideability, he is a top young horse for the big arena.
 His two full brothers Van Vivaldi I and II are highly successful as stallions for sport and breeding.
Due to his calm nature, he is also suitable for amateurs.

He is both forgeable and easy to load.
An x-ray examination has already been carried out.

WhatsApp; +36205814076

Shipping is possible worldwide
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Castrado superior y sano
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Cerca una nuova casa questo castrone di 3 anni, alto circa 170 cm, di

Vivaldi x Acord II

Vanquish ha un carattere impagabile, ama passare il tempo con il suo proprietario ed è sempre di buon umore. Dotato di tre andature di base di alta qualità e di un elevato grado di cavalcabilità, è un giovane cavallo di punta per la grande arena.
 I suoi due fratelli pieni Van Vivaldi I e II sono stalloni di grande successo per lo sport e la riproduzione.
Grazie alla sua natura calma, è adatto anche ai dilettanti.

È adatto sia alla forgia che al caricatore.
È già stato effettuato un esame radiologico.

WhatsApp; +36205814076

Spedizione possibile in tutto il mondo


2700 Cegléd



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