Oldenburg Gelding 4 years 16,2 hh Chestnut-Red in Wangerland Hohenkirchen
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Bewegungsstarker vierjähriger bunter Fuchswallach

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4147667
Online since: 06.10.2024
Ad views: 2485
Add to wish list: 25
€20.000 to €40.000
~£17.397 to £34.794
Jennifer Mick
26434 Wangerland Germany
+49 (0)17... View All
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Further information

The Oldenburg is a sport horse breed which has its origin in North Germany. Oldenburg have already achieved many international successes in show jumping, dressage and eventing. Originally the old typed Oldenburger were bred as heavy work horses, but in the 19th Century the demand for elegant but nev ... More about the horse breed Oldenburg
4 years
16,2 hh
Training level: Dressurpferde A ~ 1st Level (youngster)
Success: Dressurpferde A ~ 1st Level (youngster)
Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. (OL)
Competition experience
Directly from the breeder


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Wir bieten einen selbstgezogenen, wunderschönen Oldenburger Wallach zum Verkauf an. 

Dieser charmante Fuchs wurde im Jahr 2020 geboren, dreijährig schonend angeritten und hatte dann eine viermonatige Pause. Seit Mai 2024 ist er wieder in Beritt und konnte seine ersten Turniererfahrungen sammeln. Bei zwei Starts in Dressurpferde A Prüfungen war er einmal siegreich und einmal platziert.

Er zeigt großes Talent in der Dressur und ist bereit, mit seinem neuen Besitzer weiter zu glänzen. Sein freundliches Wesen und seine hervorragenden Grundgangarten machen ihn zu einem idealen Partner für ambitionierte Reiter.

Bei Interesse oder weiteren Fragen freuen wir uns auf Ihre Nachricht!
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We offer a self-bred, beautiful Oldenburg gelding for sale.

This charming chestnut was born in 2020, gently broken in as a three-year-old and then had a four-month break. He has been ridden again since May 2024 and was able to gain his first competition experience. In two starts in novice level dressage horse competitions, he won once and placed once.

He shows great talent in dressage and is ready to continue to shine with his new owner. His friendly nature and excellent basic gaits make him an ideal partner for ambitious riders.

If you are interested or have any further questions, we look forward to hearing from you!
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Offriamo in vendita un bellissimo castrone Oldenburg di razza autoctona.

Questo affascinante castano è nato nel 2020, è stato addestrato dolcemente a tre anni e poi ha avuto una pausa di quattro mesi. È stato cavalcato di nuovo dal maggio 2024 e ha potuto fare la sua prima esperienza di gara. In due partenze in gare di dressage di livello principiante, ha vinto una volta e si è piazzato una volta.

Mostra un grande talento nel dressage ed è pronto a continuare a brillare con il suo nuovo proprietario. Il suo carattere amichevole e le sue eccellenti andature di base lo rendono un partner ideale per cavalieri ambiziosi.

Se siete interessati o avete ulteriori domande, saremo lieti di ascoltarvi!




Jennifer Mick
26434 Wangerland
Homepage: jennifermick

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Jennifer Mick
26434 Wangerland
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