Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
Other Thoroughbred Breeds Gelding 18 years 16 hh Smoky-Black in Jockgrim
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Super lieber Allrounder sucht neues Zuhause

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4109340
Online since: 24.06.2024
Ad views: 1861
Add to wish list: 5
~ £2.175 Negotiable
Private vendor
76751 Jockgrim
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18 years
16 hh


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Aus privaten Gründen steht mein 18 jähriger Traber zum Verkauf. 
Er ist bereits seit 15 Jahren in meinem Besitz und war seither im Offenstall (sowohl mit Stuten als auch Wallachen zusammen gestanden). Kalypso geht Diskussionen um die Rangordnung eher aus dem Weg und steckt zurück. 
Er ist 1 und 2 spännig gefahren und geritten (kein Gewichtsträger). Alleine oder in der Gruppe im Gelände geritten.
Eigentlich ist er barhufer, aber an der Kutsche oder unterm Sattel trägt er vorne Hufschuhe und hinten im Moment übergangsweise Klebebeschlag. 
Tierarzt, Hufschmied, Hufbearbeiter, Hänger fahren, fremde Umgebungen, Hunde, Kinder stellen kein Problem dar.
Immer ist Kalypso interessiert und macht gerne alles mit.
Handicap: Sein hinteres rechtes Bein läuft an, wenn er zu wenig bewegt wird, aber er lahmt nicht und nach der Bewegung ist alles wieder gut. Dank Grasmilben vor ein paar Jahren hat er über dem rechten hinteren Huf eine Stelle ohne Haare.
Kalypso kann mit oder ohne Zubehör verkauft werden.
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For private reasons, my 18-year-old trotter is for sale.
I have owned him for 15 years and he has been in an open stable ever since (both with mares and geldings). Kalypso tends to avoid discussions about the hierarchy and takes a back seat.
He has been driven and ridden in 1 and 2 harness (not a weight carrier). Ridden alone or in a group in the field.
He is actually barehoof, but at the carriage or under saddle he wears hoof boots at the front and adhesive shoes at the back for the time being.
The vet, farrier, hoof trimmer, driving a trailer, unfamiliar surroundings, dogs and children are no problem.
Kalypso is always interested and happy to take part in everything.
Handicap: His back right leg starts to run if he is not moved enough, but he is not lame and is fine again after exercise. Thanks to grass mites a few years ago, he has a patch of hairless hair above his right rear hoof.
Kalypso can be sold with or without accessories.
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Per motivi privati, il mio trottatore di 18 anni è in vendita.
Lo possiedo da 15 anni e da allora è sempre stato in una scuderia aperta (è stato scuderizzato sia con cavalle che con castroni). Kalypso tende a non intromettersi nelle discussioni sulla gerarchia e tende a stare in disparte.
È stato guidato e cavalcato con 1 e 2 briglie (non con un portapesi). È stato cavalcato da solo o in gruppo sul campo.
In realtà è a zoccolo nudo, ma per il momento indossa stivali da zoccolo nella parte anteriore della carrozza o sotto la sella e scarpe adesive nella parte posteriore.
Il veterinario, il maniscalco, il tagliatore di zoccoli, la guida di un rimorchio, gli ambienti sconosciuti, i cani e i bambini non sono un problema.
Kalypso è sempre interessato e felice di partecipare a tutto.
Handicap: la sua zampa posteriore destra inizia a correre se non viene mossa a sufficienza, ma non è zoppo e sta di nuovo bene dopo l'esercizio. A causa degli acari dell'erba di qualche anno fa, ha una chiazza di pelle senza peli sullo zoccolo posteriore destro.
Kalypso può essere venduto con o senza accessori.


Private vendor
76751 Jockgrim

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76751 Jockgrim
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