Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
Paint Horse Gelding 11 years 15,3 hh Overo-all-colors in Großbeeren
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Sehr erfolgreicher Allrounder

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4209108
Online since: 10.09.2024
Ad views: 687
Add to wish list: 14
~ £16.962 Negotiable
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Further information

The horse breed called Paint Horse is represented by the 'American Paint Horse Association'(APHA) in Texas. However, it is basically not an autonomous breed, but rather spotted Quarter Horses. The reason for this is that the Paint Horse has the same pedigree and origin as the American Quarter ... More about the horse breed Paint Horse
11 years
15,3 hh
is lunged
is worked on the ground
is allrounder
is easy to load
Competition experience
Stands for the farrier
Equine Passport available


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Aufgrund persönlicher Umstände sucht dieses absolute Ausnahmepferd ein neues 5-Sterne Zuhause. Fabi ist ein echter Eyecatcher mit seiner Fellzeichnung und seinem sehr kräftigen Gebäude. Der Wallach ist 2013 geboren und hat ein Stockmaß von 162 cm. Er ist großrahmig, sehr kräftig, korrekt gebaut und hat ein gutes Fundament. Der Wallach ist gutmütig aber auch charakterstark. Im Umgang brav sowie schmiede- und verladefromm. Läuft Barhuf. Fabi ist top gesund und PSSM 2 n/n. Eine aktuelle AKU liegt nicht vor, kann aber gerne gemacht werden. Kennt Offenstallhaltung, Box sowie Wiese. Der Wallach ist ready to show in Halter, Showmanship, Pleasure, Horsemanship und Trail . Befindet sich in Beritt bei Tina Ullbricht und wird auch weiterhin geshowt. Seine Erfolge: High Point Horse PHCG, Reginalgruppemmeister Ost/Nord, Multiple Grand und Res.Champion, APHA Punkte, Rom etc, Gold Medaile Halter, Bronze Medaile Halter, Trail in Hand etc. Erfolgreich bei der APHA im Open/ Amateur Bereich geshowt, sowie bei der EWU in LK 1-2 und LK 3/4. Hat volle APHA Papiere. Sehr fein zu reiten, kein Anfängerpferd. Der Wallach wird nur in allerbeste Hände abgegeben, die ihn schätzten. Wird von privat abgegeben.
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Due to personal circumstances, this absolutely exceptional horse is looking for a new 5-star home. Fabi is a real eye-catcher with his coat markings and his very strong build. The gelding was born in 2013 and is 162 cm tall. He is large-framed, very strong, correctly built and has a good foundation. The gelding is good-natured but also has a strong character. He is well-behaved and is easy to forge and load. Runs barehoof. Fabi is in top health and PSSM 2 n/n. A current general examination is not available, but can be done on request. Knows open stabling, box and meadow. The gelding is ready to show in Halter, Showmanship, Pleasure, Horsemanship and Trail. He is currently being ridden by Tina Ullbricht and will continue to be shown. His successes: High Point Horse PHCG, Reginal Group Champion East/North, Multiple Grand and Res. Champion, APHA points, Rome etc., Gold Medal Halter, Bronze Medal Halter, Trail in Hand etc. Successfully shown at the APHA in the Open/Amateur classes, as well as at the EWU in LK 1-2 and LK 3/4. Has full APHA papers. Very fine to ride, not a beginner's horse. The gelding will only be sold to the very best hands who appreciate him. Sold privately.
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A causa di circostanze personali, questo cavallo assolutamente eccezionale sta cercando una nuova casa a 5 stelle. Fabi è un vero e proprio richiamo visivo con le sue marcature sul mantello e la sua fortissima conformazione. Il castrone è nato nel 2013 ed è alto 162 cm. È di corporatura larga, molto forte, costruito correttamente e ha una buona base. Il castrone è di buon carattere ma ha anche un carattere forte. È ben educato ed è facile da forgiare e caricare. Corre a pelo. Fabi è in ottima salute e PSSM 2 n/n. Un esame generale aggiornato non è disponibile, ma può essere fatto su richiesta. Conosce le stalle aperte, i box e i prati. Il castrone è pronto per le gare di Halter, Showmanship, Pleasure, Horsemanship e Trail. Attualmente è montato da Tina Ullbricht e continuerà a essere mostrato. I suoi successi: High Point Horse PHCG, Campione di Gruppo Reginale Est/Nord, Campione Multiplo Grand e Res, punti APHA, Roma ecc, Medaglia d'oro Halter, Medaglia di bronzo Halter, Trail in Hand ecc. Ha partecipato con successo all'APHA nella classe Open/Amateur e all'EWU in LK 1-2 e LK 3/4. Ha tutti i documenti APHA. Molto fine da montare, non è un cavallo per principianti. Il castrone sarà venduto solo alle migliori mani che lo apprezzeranno. Venduto privatamente.
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Wegens persoonlijke omstandigheden is dit absoluut uitzonderlijke paard op zoek naar een nieuw 5-sterren thuis. Fabi is een echte blikvanger met zijn vachtaftekening en zijn zeer sterke bouw. De ruin is geboren in 2013 en is 162 cm groot. Hij is grootramig, zeer sterk, correct gebouwd en heeft een goed fundament. De ruin is goedaardig maar heeft ook een sterk karakter. Hij is braaf en makkelijk te smeden en te beladen. Loopt blootsvoets. Fabi is kerngezond en PSSM 2 n/n. Een actueel algemeen onderzoek is niet beschikbaar, maar kan op verzoek worden gedaan. Kent open stalling, box en weide. De ruin is klaar om te showen in Halter, Showmanship, Pleasure, Horsemanship en Trail. Hij wordt momenteel gereden door Tina Ullbricht en zal geshowd blijven worden. Zijn successen: High Point Horse PHCG, Reginal Group Champion East/North, Multiple Grand and Res. Champion, APHA points, Rome etc, Gold Medal Halter, Bronze Medal Halter, Trail in Hand etc. Succesvol uitgebracht op de APHA in de Open/Amateur klasse, evenals op de EWU in LK 1-2 en LK 3/4. Heeft volledige APHA papieren. Zeer fijn te rijden, geen beginnerspaard. De ruin wordt alleen verkocht aan de allerbeste handen die hem waarderen. Particulier verkocht.





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