PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion 2 years in Almeria
+3 Pictures

P.R.E. in Sonderfarbe

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4226340
Online since: 25.09.2024
Ad views: 343
Add to wish list: 2
~ £17.397
Christin Ernst
21635 Jork Germany
+49 (0)15... View All
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Further information

This Andalusian breed is originating from the Spain Baroque horses, and is well-known as Pura Raza Espanola, or briefly PRE. The name refers to the Andalusian origin which of course has been influenced by several other breeds during its century long history. There is only a very limited amount o ... More about the horse breed PRE
2 years


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Galan ist am 10.4.2022 geboren.
Dieser typvolle P.R.E.Hengst / ANCCE Papier wächst bei uns in einer Hengstgruppe auf .
Er ist komplett roh und darf seine Kinderstube in Offenstallhaltung genießen.
Galan entwickelt sich altersentsprechend gut und wir können uns diese Schönheit für die  spätere Zukunft sehr gut unterm Sattel vorstellen.
This text has been translated automatically.
Galan was born on 10.4.2022.
This typey P.R.E. stallion / ANCCE paper is growing up with us in a stallion group.
He is completely raw and is allowed to enjoy his nursery in an open stable.
Galan is developing well in line with his age and we can well imagine this beauty under saddle in the future.
This text has been translated automatically.
Galan est né le 10.4.2022.
Cet étalon P.R.E. / papier ANCCE bien typé grandit chez nous dans un groupe d'étalons.
Il est entièrement cru et peut profiter de sa pouponnière en stabulation libre.
Galan se développe bien en fonction de son âge et nous pouvons très bien imaginer cette beauté sous la selle pour son avenir.


04716 Almeria, Andalucia


Christin Ernst
21635 Jork
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Christin Ernst
21635 Jork
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