PRE Stallion 3 years 15,1 hh Dun in Vejer de la Frontera
PRE Stallion 3 years 15,1 hh Dun in Vejer de la Frontera
PRE Stallion 3 years 15,1 hh Dun in Vejer de la Frontera
PRE Stallion 3 years 15,1 hh Dun in Vejer de la Frontera
PRE Stallion 3 years 15,1 hh Dun in Vejer de la Frontera
PRE Stallion 3 years 15,1 hh Dun in Vejer de la Frontera

PRE Goldjunge

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4088339
Online since: 11.06.2024
Ad views: 1917
Add to wish list: 19
€15.000 to €20.000
~£13.048 to £17.397
Sandra Gyseler
11150 Vejer de la Frontera Spain
+34 (0)61... View All
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Further information

This Andalusian breed is originating from the Spain Baroque horses, and is well-known as Pura Raza Espanola, or briefly PRE. The name refers to the Andalusian origin which of course has been influenced by several other breeds during its century long history. There is only a very limited amount o ... More about the horse breed PRE
3 years
15,1 hh
Working Equitation
Associacion Nacional De Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Espanola (ANCCE)
is lunged
is worked on the ground
Halter accustomed
Equine Passport available
No eczema


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Citrico ist ein Falbe mit Aalstrich in ANCCE eingetragener PRE Junghengst. Er ist jetzt gerade 3 geworden, kennt longe, ist Halfterführig und hat einen lieben Charakter. Citrico wird jetzt langsam an den Sattel gewöhnt, was er brav mitmacht, ist klar im Kopf und nicht großartig hengstig. Wer einen exklusiven Rohdiamanten zum selber schleifen sucht, ist bei diesem hübschen Kerl genau richtig. AKU kann in Auftrag gegeben werden. Auf Wunsch wird er gekört. Der Transport wird international organisiert.
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Citrico is a dun with an eel line and is a young PRE stallion registered in ANCCE. He has just turned 3, knows longe, is halter trained and has a lovely character. Citrico is now slowly getting used to the saddle, which he is doing well, is clear-headed and not very stubborn. If you are looking for an exclusive rough diamond to polish yourself, this handsome fellow is just right for you. AKU can be commissioned. He can be licensed on request. Transport will be organized internationally.
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Citrico es un joven semental PRE de color castaño inscrito en la ANCCE. Acaba de cumplir 3 años, sabe longe, está domado y tiene un carácter encantador. Citrico se está acostumbrando poco a poco a la silla, lo que hace bien, es lúcido y poco testarudo. Si busca un diamante en bruto exclusivo para pulirse, este guapo ejemplar es ideal para usted. AKU puede encargarse. Si lo desea, se le puede conceder una licencia. Se organizará el transporte internacional.
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Citrico est un jeune étalon PRE inscrit à l'ANCCE avec une robe fauve. Il vient de fêter ses 3 ans, connaît la longe, est maniable en licol et a un caractère adorable. Citrico est maintenant lentement habitué à la selle, ce qu'il fait sagement, il est clair dans sa tête et n'est pas très docile. Si vous cherchez un diamant brut exclusif à tailler vous-même, ce beau cheval est fait pour vous. L'examen médical peut être commandé. Il peut être approuvé sur demande. Le transport est organisé au niveau international.
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Citrico è un giovane stallone di colore marrone, iscritto all'ANCCE. Ha appena compiuto 3 anni, conosce la longe, è addestrato alla cavezza e ha un carattere adorabile. Citrico si sta lentamente abituando alla sella, cosa che sta facendo bene, è lucido e non è molto testardo. Se siete alla ricerca di un esclusivo diamante grezzo da lucidare, questo bel ragazzo fa al caso vostro. AKU può essere commissionato. Può essere autorizzato su richiesta. Il trasporto internazionale sarà organizzato.


Sandra Gyseler
11150 Vejer de la Frontera
We speak:
Homepage: preandalusier
Main focuses
Dressage horses
Stallion at Stud
Driving horses
Leisure horses
Breeding horses
Baroque horses
Working Equitation
Doma Vaquera

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