PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Black in Martfeld
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Black in Martfeld
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Black in Martfeld
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Black in Martfeld


Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4200047
Online since: 03.09.2024
Ad views: 602
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€10.000 to €15.000
~£8.698 to £13.048
Majestic Iberico SLSales yard
46127 Betera Spain
+34 (0)62... View All
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This Andalusian breed is originating from the Spain Baroque horses, and is well-known as Pura Raza Espanola, or briefly PRE. The name refers to the Andalusian origin which of course has been influenced by several other breeds during its century long history. There is only a very limited amount o ... More about the horse breed PRE
3 years
15,2 hh
is lunged
is worked on the ground
Reliable for trail riding
is allrounder
is easy to load
Halter accustomed
Stands for the farrier
Equine Passport available


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Zum Verkauf steht ein beeindruckender PRE Hengst, geboren im Jahr 2021. Dieser wunderschöne Rappe besticht durch seine imposante Optik sowie einen einwandfreien Charakter.  Er ist artgerecht im Jungpferdeverband aufgewachsen und dementsprechend gut sozialisiert. Merle wurde schonend angeritten und ist aktuell - dem Alter entsprechend - gut basis geritten.

Er zeigt Potenzial für die Dressur und überzeugt durch seine hervorragenden Bewegungen und sein freundliches Wesen. 

Ein ideales Pferd für ambitionierte Reiter, die einen treuen Partner für den gehobenen Freizeitbereich sucht. 
Selbstverständlich kommt Merlo aus allerbester Haltung und mit vollen PRE Papieren (ANCCE).

Bei Interesse und für weitere Informationen freuen wir uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
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For sale is an impressive PRE stallion, born in 2021. This beautiful black stallion impresses with his imposing appearance and impeccable character.  He has grown up in a species-appropriate manner in the young horse association and is accordingly well socialized. Merle was broken in gently and is currently - according to his age - well broke.

He shows potential for dressage and impresses with his excellent movements and friendly nature.

An ideal horse for ambitious riders who are looking for a loyal partner for the upper leisure sector.
It goes without saying that Merlo comes from the very best stock and with full PRE papers (ANCCE).

If you are interested and would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Nous proposons à la vente un étalon PRE impressionnant, né en 2021. Ce magnifique cheval noir se distingue par son apparence imposante et son caractère irréprochable.  Il a été élevé dans les règles de l'art au sein d'une association de jeunes chevaux et est donc bien socialisé. Merle a été débourré avec ménagement et est actuellement - en fonction de son âge - bien monté à la base.

Il montre un potentiel pour le dressage et convainc par ses excellentes allures et son caractère amical.

C'est le cheval idéal pour les cavaliers ambitieux qui recherchent un partenaire fidèle pour les loisirs de haut niveau.
Bien entendu, Merlo est issu des meilleurs élevages et possède tous les papiers PRE (ANCCE).

En cas d'intérêt et pour plus d'informations, nous nous réjouissons de votre prise de contact.
This text has been translated automatically.
In vendita un impressionante stallone PRE, nato nel 2021. Questo bellissimo stallone nero colpisce per il suo aspetto imponente e il suo carattere impeccabile.  È cresciuto in modo adeguato alla specie nell'associazione dei giovani cavalli ed è quindi ben socializzato. Merle è stato addestrato con delicatezza e attualmente - in base alla sua età - viene cavalcato con una buona base.

Mostra un potenziale per il dressage e colpisce per i suoi movimenti eccellenti e il suo carattere amichevole.

Un cavallo ideale per cavalieri ambiziosi che cercano un partner fedele per il settore ludico superiore.
Va da sé che Merlo proviene dai migliori allevamenti e ha i documenti PRE completi (ANCCE).

Se siete interessati e desiderate ulteriori informazioni, non esitate a contattarci.


Majestic Iberico SL
Sales yard
46127 Betera
We speak:
Homepage: majestichorses
Main focuses
Dressage horses
Stallion at Stud
Driving horses
Leisure horses
Breeding horses
Baroque horses
Show horses

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