PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Cremello in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Cremello in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Cremello in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Cremello in Sevilla
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,2 hh Cremello in Sevilla

Amazing and barock stallion

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4231026
Online since: 29.09.2024
Ad views: 371
Add to wish list: 7
€10.000 to €15.000
~£8.698 to £13.048
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Further information

This Andalusian breed is originating from the Spain Baroque horses, and is well-known as Pura Raza Espanola, or briefly PRE. The name refers to the Andalusian origin which of course has been influenced by several other breeds during its century long history. There is only a very limited amount o ... More about the horse breed PRE
3 years
15,2 hh


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Erstaunlich und sehr barock Hengst PRE mit vollen Papieren, Hengst 3yo 1.60cm.

Er ist noch nicht riddenden !!!

Er ist Barock Typ mit schönen und kompakten Körper mit schönen Konformation.

Folgen Sie uns auf Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok und Youtube!!!

Wir organisieren Vetcheck und Transport!!!

Kontaktiert uns per PM oder direkt per whatsapp (+34)657314412.

Vertrauen Sie Profis, die seit über 15 Jahren im Verkaufs- und Dressurbereich tätig sind. Unsere Pferde bringen ein Lächeln in die ganze Welt.
This text has been translated automatically.
Amazing and very barock stallion PRE with full papers, stallion 3yo 1.60cm.

He is not riddenden yet !!!

He is barock type with nice and compact body with nice conformation.

Follow-us on Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok and Youtube!!!

We organize vetcheck and transport!!!

Contact-us by PM or directly by whatsapp (+34)657314412.

Trust professionals who have been in the sales and dressage sector for over 15 years. Our horses bring smiles to the whole world.
Amazing and very barock stallion PRE with full papers, stallion 3yo 1.60cm.

He is not ridden yet !!

He is barock type with nice and compact body with nice conformation. 

Follow-us on Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok and Youtube!!

We organize vetcheck and transport!!

Contact-us by PM or directly by  whatsapp (+34)657314412. 

Trust professionals who have been in the sales and dressage sector for over 15 years. Our horses bring smiles to the whole world.
This text has been translated automatically.
Stallone fantastico e molto barocco PRE con documenti completi, stallone 3 anni 1,60cm.

Non è ancora riddenden !!!

E' di tipo barock con un corpo bello e compatto con una bella conformazione.

Seguiteci su Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok e Youtube!!!

Organizziamo vetcheck e trasporto!!!

Contattateci via PM o direttamente via whatsapp (+34)657314412.

Affidatevi a professionisti che operano nel settore delle vendite e del dressage da oltre 15 anni. I nostri cavalli portano sorrisi in tutto il mondo.


41006 Sevilla, Andalucia


Alex Andalusian Horses
41001 Sevilla
We speak:
Homepage: alexmagichorse
Main focuses
Dressage horses
Baroque horses
Show horses
Gaited horses
Working Equitation

Further information

Alex Andalusian Horses - Your trusted agent to buy the horse of your dream

Trainer / Rider / Trainer / Internship
Follow-me on Instagram /Facebook/Tiktok and Youtube!

Dressage/High School Training/Liberty
Barock horse / Special Color / Foals


We have more 100 horses available in Spain !!We choose our horses in person
We organize vetcheck, transport and quarantine!!

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Alex Andalusian Horses
41001 Sevilla
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