PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
PRE Mix Stallion 3 years 15,3 hh Champagne in Valencia
+18 Pictures

PRE Junghengst 3 Jahre Palomino best bloodlines / full papers

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 3922199
Online since: 01.02.2024
Ad views: 3376
Add to wish list: 19
€15.000 to €20.000
~£13.048 to £17.397
VAT can be stated separately
Caballoria S.L.Breeder
46666 Rafelguaraf Spain
+34 (0)72... View All
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Further information

This Andalusian breed is originating from the Spain Baroque horses, and is well-known as Pura Raza Espanola, or briefly PRE. The name refers to the Andalusian origin which of course has been influenced by several other breeds during its century long history. There is only a very limited amount o ... More about the horse breed PRE
3 years
15,3 hh
is lunged
is allrounder
No eczema


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Jungpferde:Super Nachwuchspferd für die Dressur oder Zucht? Triunfo trägt Wurzeln aus ( Remache XIII, Marsical de Torre und  Osado V ) Somit vereint er beste Abstammungen aus Cartujano, Torrelluna und Paco Marti in sich. Er ist sehr sozial im Umgang und sein ganzes Exterieur überzeugt auf ganzer Linie. Mehr Infos auf Anfrage!
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Young horses: Super young horse for dressage or breeding? Triunfo has roots ( Remache XIII, Marsical de Torre and Osado V ) Thus, it combines the best pedigrees from Cartujano, Torrelluna and Paco Marti. He is very social in dealing with and his whole exterior convinces all along the line. More information on request!
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Caballos jóvenes:¿Caballo superjoven para doma o cría? Triunfo tiene raices de ( Remache XIII, Marsical de Torre y Osado V ) y por lo tanto combina los mejores pedigrees de Cartujano, Torrelluna y Paco Marti. Es muy sociable en el manejo y toda su conformación convence en toda la línea. ¡Más información a petición!
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Jeunes chevaux : Super jeune cheval pour le dressage ou l'élevage ? Triunfo a des racines de ( Remache XIII, Marsical de Torre et Osado V ), il réunit ainsi les meilleures origines de Cartujano, Torrelluna et Paco Marti. Il est très sociable et sa morphologie convainc sur toute la ligne. Plus d'informations sur demande !
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Jonge paarden:Super jong paard voor dressuur of fokkerij? Triunfo heeft roots van ( Remache XIII, Marsical de Torre en Osado V ) en combineert daarmee de beste afstamming van Cartujano, Torrelluna en Paco Marti. Hij is zeer sociaal in de omgang en zijn hele exterieur is overtuigend over de hele lijn. Meer informatie op aanvraag!


Caballoria S.L.
46666 Rafelguaraf
We speak:
Homepage: caballoria
Main focuses
Dressage horses
Stallion at Stud
Driving horses
Leisure horses
Show jumpers
Western horses
Breeding horses
Baroque horses
Working Equitation
Doma Vaquera
Equitation Portugesa
Western allround

Further information

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