PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
PRE Mix Stallion Foal (01/2024) in Almeria
+9 Pictures

Wunderschöne P.R.E. Absetzer

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4226334
Online since: 25.09.2024
Ad views: 214
Add to wish list: 2
~ £4.349
Christin Ernst
21635 Jork Germany
+49 (0)15... View All
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Further information

This Andalusian breed is originating from the Spain Baroque horses, and is well-known as Pura Raza Espanola, or briefly PRE. The name refers to the Andalusian origin which of course has been influenced by several other breeds during its century long history. There is only a very limited amount o ... More about the horse breed PRE
Foal (01/2024)
Working Equitation


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Unser "V" - Jahrgang '24 
( P.R.E. - ANCCE Papiere ) 

Ein Teil unserer Nachzucht sucht noch ein  " für immer " Zuhause. 
Die Fohlen ( teils schon Absetzer ) sind alle 2024 bei uns im Gestüt geboren. 
Alle Pferde leben im Herdenverband somit ist der Sozialkontakt von klein auf an gegeben.
Desweiteren stehen bei uns Jungpferde ( Stuten&Hengste ), Zuchtstuten , Deckhengste ,Reithengste zum Verkauf.
Farblich haben wir eine bunt gemischte Herde,  auch Sonderfarben.

Preise sind unterschiedlich.
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Our "V" - Vintage '24
( P.R.E. - ANCCE papers )

Some of our offspring are still looking for a " forever " home.
The foals ( partly already weanlings ) were all born at our stud in 2024.
All horses live in a herd, so social contact is a given from an early age.
Furthermore, we have young horses (mares & stallions), broodmares, stallions, riding stallions for sale.
We have a colorful mixed herd, also special colors.

Prices vary.


04716 Almeria, Andalucia


Christin Ernst
21635 Jork
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Christin Ernst
21635 Jork
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