Shetland Ponies Gelding 10 years in Stainz
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Zuckersüßer Ponywallach

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4096426
Online since: 14.06.2024
Ad views: 2562
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 to €2.500
~ to £2.175
Lisa Oswald
8511 Stainz Austria
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Further information

The British Isles shelter various popular pony breeds that are known all over the world. The smallest of all pony breeds is the Shetland pony, which developed on the Shetland Islands, north-east of Scotland. Its small size is the result of hard and harsh living conditions over centuries. Howe ... More about the horse breed Shetland Ponies
10 years


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Carlos ist ein 10 jähriger Ponywallach. Er lässt sich brav von Kindern putzen, geht gerne grasen, wurde auch im Schritt und im Trab geritten (auch an der Longe), ist sehr aufmerksam und lernt schnell Tricks. Er geht aktuell barhuf und steht in einem Offenstall mit gemischter Herde.

Unsere Vision:
Carlos ist das perfekte Pony für Tricks oder auch für Kinder. Wir könnten uns vorstellen, dass Carlos im Bereich der Reitpädagogik tätig wird beziehungsweise auch als Showpony einen guten Job machen könnte.

Nähere Infos unter: 0664 5372919
This text has been translated automatically.
Carlos is a 10-year-old pony gelding. He is well behaved when groomed by children, likes to graze, has been ridden at a walk and trot (also on the lunge), is very attentive and learns tricks quickly. He is currently barehoofed and lives in an open stable with a mixed herd.

Our vision:
Carlos is the perfect pony for tricks or for children. We could imagine Carlos working in the field of riding education or doing a good job as a show pony.

For more information: 0664 5372919
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Carlos è un castrone pony di 10 anni. È ben educato quando viene strigliato dai bambini, gli piace pascolare, è stato cavalcato anche al passo e al trotto (anche con l'affondo), è molto attento e impara rapidamente i trucchi. Attualmente è a pelo e vive in una stalla aperta con una mandria mista.

La nostra visione:
Carlos è il pony perfetto per i trucchi o per i bambini. Potremmo immaginare che Carlos lavori nel campo dell'educazione equestre o che faccia un buon lavoro come pony da esposizione.

Per ulteriori informazioni: 0664 5372919
This text has been translated automatically.
Carlos is een 10-jarige ponyruin. Hij is goed opgevoed door kinderen, graast graag, is ook bereden in stap en draf (ook aan de longe), is erg attent en leert snel trucjes. Hij is momenteel blootsvoets en leeft in een open stal met een gemengde kudde.

Onze visie:
Carlos is de perfecte pony voor kunstjes of voor kinderen. We zouden ons kunnen voorstellen dat Carlos gaat werken in de rijopleiding of het goed doet als showpony.

Voor meer informatie: 0664 5372919


8511 Stainz, Steiermark


Lisa Oswald
8511 Stainz

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Lisa Oswald
8511 Stainz
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