Spanish Sporthorse Stallion 5 years 16,1 hh Gray in Chiva
Spanish Sporthorse Stallion 5 years 16,1 hh Gray in Chiva
Spanish Sporthorse Stallion 5 years 16,1 hh Gray in Chiva
Spanish Sporthorse Stallion 5 years 16,1 hh Gray in Chiva
Spanish Sporthorse Stallion 5 years 16,1 hh Gray in Chiva
Spanish Sporthorse Stallion 5 years 16,1 hh Gray in Chiva

Caballo entero con mucha nobleza y muy guapo

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4136813
Online since: 15.07.2024
Ad views: 1045
Add to wish list: 9
€5.000 to €10.000
~£4.349 to £8.698
Private vendor
46370 Chiva
+34 (0)62... View All
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5 years
16,1 hh
Working Equitation


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Soberano hat trotz seines jungen Alters einen sehr gutmütigen Charakter, er fängt an, mit mehr Pferden auf die Weide zu gehen, und mit viel Arbeitswillen beginnt er, Seitengänge zu machen.
This text has been translated automatically.
Soberano has a super docile character despite his young age, he is starting to go out in the field with more horses and with a lot of desire to work he is starting to do lateral exercises.
Soberano tiene un carácter súper dócil pese a su corta edad,está comenzando a salir por el campo con más caballos y con muchas ganas de trabajar está empezando a hacer ejercicios laterales
This text has been translated automatically.
Soberano ha un carattere molto docile nonostante la sua giovane età, sta iniziando ad andare in campo con altri cavalli e con molta voglia di lavorare sta iniziando a fare esercizi laterali.
This text has been translated automatically.
Soberano heeft ondanks zijn jonge leeftijd een heel volgzaam karakter, hij begint met meer paarden de wei in te gaan en met veel zin om te werken begint hij laterale oefeningen te doen.


Private vendor
46370 Chiva

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46370 Chiva
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