Thoroughbred Stallion 4 years 15,2 hh in Hinterschmiding
Thoroughbred Stallion 4 years 15,2 hh in Hinterschmiding
Thoroughbred Stallion 4 years 15,2 hh in Hinterschmiding
Thoroughbred Stallion 4 years 15,2 hh in Hinterschmiding
Thoroughbred Stallion 4 years 15,2 hh in Hinterschmiding
Thoroughbred Stallion 4 years 15,2 hh in Hinterschmiding
Thoroughbred Stallion 4 years 15,2 hh in Hinterschmiding
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Englisches Vollblut Hengste abzugeben

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4193865
Online since: 29.08.2024
Ad views: 1134
Add to wish list: 9
~ £3.479 Negotiable
Private vendor
94146 Hinterschmiding
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Further information

All modern English Thoroughbreds can trace their pedigrees to three Arabian stallions: 'Darley Arabian', 'Godolphin Barb’ and 'Byerley Turk'. These big fathers were originally imported into England in the 17th and 18th century and mated there with mares from a variety of breeds. Their descendants we ... More about the horse breed Thoroughbred
4 years
15,2 hh
Racing horses


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Wegen Aufgabe der Pferdehaltung stehen  diese 2  chicken  Hengst zum Verkauf.
1 x 4jährig (1,59 m) und 1 x 2jährig  ( 1, 63 M)
Nähere Informationen per WhatsApp unter 0162 7587545
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Due to giving up horse keeping these 2 chicken stallions are for sale.
1 x 4 year old (1.59 m) and 1 x 2 year old (1.63 m)
Further information via WhatsApp on 0162 7587545
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En raison de l'abandon de l'élevage de chevaux, ces 2 étalons chicken sont à vendre.
1 x 4 ans (1,59 m) et 1 x 2 ans ( 1, 63 M).
Plus d'informations par WhatsApp au 0162 7587545
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A causa della rinuncia all'allevamento di cavalli, questi 2 stalloni di pollo sono in vendita.
1 di 4 anni (1,59 m) e 1 di 2 anni (1,63 m).
Ulteriori informazioni via WhatsApp al numero 0162 7587545
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Wegens stoppen met paarden houden zijn deze 2 kippenhengsten te koop.
1 x 4 jarige (1.59 m) en 1 x 2 jarige (1.63 m)
Meer informatie via WhatsApp op 0162 7587545


Private vendor
94146 Hinterschmiding

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Private vendor
94146 Hinterschmiding
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