Westphalian Gelding 11 years 16,2 hh Brown in Rees
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Typvoller Lehrmeister mit ausgezeichnetem Charakter!

Ad type: Horse for sale
Ad ID: 4193736
Online since: 06.09.2024
Ad views: 1474
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Equindo Dressage Horses GmbH
46459 Rees Germany
+49 (0)16... View All
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Further information

The origins of the Westphalian breeding lie in the founding of the state stud in Warendorf in 1826, the Breeders' Association itself was founded in 1904. By the end of the Second World War mainly heavier workhorses were bred there, which were used as carriage horses by farmers.Initially, a variety o ... More about the horse breed Westphalian
11 years
16,2 hh
Training level: S* ~ 4th Level
Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
suitable for beginners
is capable of carrying weight
is easy to load
Competition experience
Stands for the farrier
Suitable for children
Equine Passport available


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Wir können Ihnen durchgehend eine selektierte Gruppe talentierter Dressurpferde anbieten.
Dabei handelt es sich um talentvolle Nachwuchspferde sowie bereits erfolgreiche Sportpferde mit viel Erfahrung. 

Unsere Pferde befinden sich in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und in Belgien.

Wir freuen uns über ein persönliches Gespräch mit Ihnen, um weitere Details zu unseren Pferden zu besprechen.
Ebenfalls sind wir unter unserer Rufnummer per WhatsApp zu erreichen.


Jannik Gieling
Equindo Dressage Horses GmbH
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We can offer you a selected group of talented dressage horses.
These are talented young horses as well as already successful sport horses with a lot of experience.

Our horses are located in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.

We would be happy to talk to you personally to discuss further details about our horses.
You can also reach us on our WhatsApp number.


Jannik Gieling
Equindo Dressage Horses GmbH
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Podemos ofrecerle un grupo seleccionado de caballos de doma clásica con talento.
Se trata de caballos jóvenes con talento, así como de caballos de deporte ya exitosos con mucha experiencia.

Nuestros caballos se encuentran en Alemania, los Países Bajos y Bélgica.

Estaremos encantados de hablar con usted personalmente para comentarle más detalles sobre nuestros caballos.
También puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de WhatsApp en nuestro número de teléfono.


Jannik Gieling
Equindo Dressage Horses GmbH
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Possiamo offrirvi un gruppo selezionato di cavalli da dressage di talento.
Si tratta di giovani cavalli di talento e di cavalli sportivi già affermati con molta esperienza.

I nostri cavalli si trovano in Germania, Paesi Bassi e Belgio.

Saremo lieti di parlare con voi personalmente per discutere ulteriori dettagli sui nostri cavalli.
Potete raggiungerci anche via WhatsApp al nostro numero di telefono.


Jannik Gieling
Equindo Dressage Horses GmbH
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We kunnen je een geselecteerde groep getalenteerde dressuurpaarden aanbieden.
Dit zijn zowel jonge getalenteerde paarden als reeds succesvolle sportpaarden met veel ervaring.

Onze paarden bevinden zich in Duitsland, Nederland en België.

We staan je graag persoonlijk te woord om meer informatie over onze paarden te bespreken.
Je kunt ons ook bereiken via WhatsApp op ons telefoonnummer.


Jannik Gieling
Equindo Dressuurpaarden GmbH




Equindo Dressage Horses GmbH
46459 Rees
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Equindo Dressage Horses GmbH
46459 Rees
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